开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - CHAIN Manchester 2021: Engineering Career Conf erence\n\nEvent Type: Conference\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: The American Society of Civil Engineers\nThe Institution of Chem ical Engineers\nThe Institution of Civil Engineers\nThe Institution of Mec hanical Engineers\nThe Institution of Royal Engineers\nThe Institution of Structural Engineers\nThe Royal Academy of Engineering\nThe Royal Aeronaut ical Society\n\nDescription : Attendees must register using this Eventbrit e link: \;https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/chain-manchester-2021-enginee ring-career-conference-registration-161977076797?aff=IMechE\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ nWe forge events that connect young engineers and early career professiona ls with their local engineering community.\n\n\n\n\n\nAbout this event\n\n \nFounded in Manchester in 2016\, CHAIN is a vehicle to encourage collabor ation and knowledge sharing between young engineers from across the breadt h of engineering disciplines.\nWe are focussed on building communities of young engineering professionals committed not only to their own continual development\, but also to inspiring others of our and future generations.\ nWith the support of the UK&rsquo\;s professional engineering institutions \, the bedrock of our growth in recent years has been our flagship CHAIN E vents\, and in particular the incredibly kind support offered to us by tho se who have been willing to speak at our events and make this a truly insp iring endeavour.\nAs a result of COVID-19\, we have seen unprecedented cha nges in our educational environment in recent times\, with students moving from in-person teaching to prolonged online learning. As a result\, we fe lt emboldened with an increased responsibility to persevere with our 2021 Event and move online in an effort to continue inspiring\, and to promote a wider arching audience for our event.\nFor our first ever online CHAIN M anchester Event present...\n"My Career in Engineering: A CHAIN of Mysterio us Events"\nThis years event will focus on engineering career paths and de velopment\, featuring discussion and presentation from professionals affil iated to the following Engineering Institutions:\n\n The American Socie ty of Civil Engineers\n The Institution of Chemical Engineers\n The Institution of Civil Engineers\n The Institution of Mechanical Engineer s\n The Institution of Royal Engineers\n The Institution of Structur al Engineers\n The Royal Academy of Engineering\n The Royal Aeronaut ical Society\n\nWe are bringing together speakers who not only represent t he different disciplines of engineering\, but who have experience themselv es working across multiple disciplines and/or industries.\nWe want to brin g home the message that a career in engineering is not limited to the disc iplines which we study or the industries in which we launch our careers.\n We want to demonstrate that the wealth of opportunity in the world can oft en take you on a path you may never have expected to take.\nWith talks fro m an eclectic speaker roster including high flying young engineers\, senio r management figures\, an engineering career coach\, published authors\, a nd TedX speakers... This is not an event to be missed.\n \;\nEvent Pla tform: \;Microsoft Teams\nAttendance Limit: \;250\nEvent Theme:&nb sp\;&ldquo\;My Career in Engineering: A CHAIN of Mysterious Events&rdquo\; \nEvent Focus: \;Career path discussions\, development talks and prese ntations.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTags\n \;\nOnline Events \;Online Conferenc es \;Online Business Conferences \;#career \;#engineering \;#chain21 \;#youngmembers\n\n\nContact Details: Murat Islam\nAddress: Salford\, United Kingdom. DTEND:20211023T170000 DTSTAMP:20230820T085511Z DTSTART:20211023T090000 LOCATION:Webinar\, See registration URL given in the event description\, Un ited Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:CHAIN Manchester 2021: Engineering Career Conference UID:7944bd2f-de55-4ee7-a043-200e53bd159d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR