开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT描述:靠近你的事件-介绍IMechE:学徒和学生免费会员\n\ Event类型:专业发展甚至\n\n行业部门:跨部门\n\n发言详细信息:亚manbetx体育注册历克斯·特恩布尔\,业务发展主管-早期职业\n\n描述:本次网络研讨会旨在帮助那些刚刚开始学徒、获得学位或正在学习的人深入了解该机构,了解它如何使你受益,以及一旦获得资格就会有哪些机会。这可以导致注册水平,如EngTech\, IEng和CEng。\; \n\n本课程结束时你能做的事情:\n\n了解你的学徒期提供的行业内的机会\n申请免费附属会员\n获得诸如我们的世界级图书馆等福利\n\n有资格参加的人:\n你需要在工程学科或工程学位中担任学徒。今天就注册吧,我们的专家团队将为您指引正确的道路。\;\;\;\;\;\; &nbs p\; \; \; \; \;\nLocation:\n Webex Presentation follow ed by a 1-2-1 session on Microsoft Teams\, Skype or phone call if required .\nAttendance is free of charge. \nBooking:\nPre-registration is required. \; Book your place \;here\nIf you have any questions\, or are uns ure if this session is for you\, please get in touch with Alex Turnbull &n dash\; Alex.Turnbull@imeche.org. \;\n\nYou don't have to be a member of the Institution to participate\, so if you have a colleague/friend who would be interested please do share this information with them. \;\n\n Contact Details: Alex Turnbull\nTelephone: 07740 176983 \nAddress: Institu tion of Mechanical Engineers\, 1-3 Birdcage Walk\, Westminster\, London\, SW1H 9JJ\, United Kingdom.\n\n Alternative Contact: MDM (Membership Develo pment & Apprentices) DTEND:20211124T130000 DTSTAMP:20230602T133427Z DTSTART:20211124T120000 LOCATION:Webex meeting\, At home\, N/A\, N/A\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:An Introduction to the IMechE: Free Membership for Apprentices and Students UID:29eedbd9-7c0d-49c0-a81c-39a6fdf828d1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR