manbetx体育注册BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Leadership in process safety – learn the lesso ns before you suffer your own loss…\n\nEvent Type: Seminar\n\nIndustry Sec tor: Process Industries\n\nSpeak Details: Richard Roff\, (Group Process Sa fety Manager Costain) \nMartyn Ralph\, (Owner & Consultant Focused Consult ancy Limited)\nJohn Bartlett (Consultant and VC NWC ProID IMechE)\n\nDescr iption : \n\n\nTo sign up for this webinar\, please click here.\n\nThree s peakers will use case studies to identify where leaders need to focus thei r attention in order to manage catastrophic incident risks\, not just to & lsquo\;manage the business&rsquo\;.\n\nCase studies will cover transport s ystems\, and process industries &ndash\!squoi观察者并非都表示高危险qrsquo自由企业扩展前导论, 1987/nAl虽然许多人知道近35年前发生的灾难事件,speaker将描述事件和关键教程,供Organisation领导从设计操作到操作的整个生命周期使用,并编织成组织文化UK酿酒厂死事故/2016NN大型酿酒厂:当发生大规模氨泄漏时,一组承包商清除弹药尼亚压缩机;One Refrication工程师几乎即时死亡另有22人被送医院,包括急救员讲演者将描述事件及其后遗症,然后探索事件是否可以避免,而良好的领导能力可确保事件不再重复.\nStudyC:\F atal explosion at chemical plant (Flixborough 1974) and a tank explosion a t a material recovery plant (West Virginia\, 2017).\nTwo maintenance proce dures that went badly wrong because of non-robust safety systems and/or a lack of suitably qualified people.\nThe incidents will outline the events and their similarities.\n\nContact Details: Jack Trethewey\nTelephone: +44 7866 670727 DTEND:20211116T120000 DTSTAMP:20240110T213309Z DTSTART:20211116T110000 LOCATION:Online Webinar\, Online Webinar\, Online Webinar\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Leadership in process safety – learn the lessons before you suffer your own loss… UID:3c03a930-23ff-4275-a69f-0e8702cc4c00 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR