开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Decarbonising the Shipping Industry - Challeng es and the Way Ahead\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Power Industries\n\nSpeak Details: Please see below\n\nDescription : Click here to join the meeting\n\n \;\n\nDr. Andy Franks of Lloyd's Registe r will deliver a technical lecture for the IMechE Power Industries Divisio n North West on the topic\nDecarbonising the Shipping Industry - Challenge s and the Way Ahead.\n\nSpeaker Bio: \;Dr Andy Franks is a Senior Prin cipal Specialist in The LR Maritime Decarbonisation Hub. \; He has ove r thirty years&rsquo\; experience in risk assessment and related areas\, p articularly with respect to hazards with high impact potential. \;\nAn dy has conducted numerous quantitative risk assessment (QRA) studies on a wide range of installations handling toxic and flammable materials. He spe cialises in hazard identification\, risk analysis studies and development of risk analysis methods. For the last seven years he has worked on the de velopment of novel risk assessment methods for tankers and other cargo shi ps\, together with development of safety cases for naval vessels.\nAndy's research activities have been widely published in conference proceedings a nd scientific journals. He has a doctorate in chemistry and is a Chartered Chemical Engineer.\n \;\n\n\nContact Details: David Ball\n\n Alternat ive Contact: Olawole Kuti DTEND:20211109T190000 DTSTAMP:20230820T094929Z DTSTART:20211109T180000 LOCATION:ONLINE\, Please see full details for online links\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Decarbonising the Shipping Industry - Challenges and the Way Ahead UID:d41ea8e0-92a8-433a-a292-5c2b0c47e634 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR