BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Strategic Innovation and the Impact of Externa l Stakeholders\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Proces s Industries\n\nSpeak Details: Main Speaker: John Clegg (CTO Hephae Energy Technology\nChair: Stephen McEvoy (System Engineer Sellafield Ltd\nSpeake r biographies can be found by clicking the link above.\n\nDescription : &n bsp\;\nTo book your place on to this event\, \;please click here.\nhtt ps://\n\nPlease also join t he pre-event discussions on LinkedIn at\;\n /strategicinnovationandtheimpact6864606164835942400/\nThis Process Industr ies Division Event has been organised by the Process Industries Division C entres in the North West \;and Yorkshire Regions\nInvention and innova tion are often confused but they are far from being the same thing.e想出令人振奋和创举新思想时, 人或可宣布它&ldquo/h;创新思维&rdquo/h光是发明 或大发明 可到那时 艰苦工作还有待完成创新就是辛勤工作进程化思想为有值的东西.\nthis第三次网络研讨会 关于创新题目的系列将显示创新如何成为价值链的一部分,甚至在新思想构思前启动,并显示该思想需要结合需求\,能力\和创造值显示价值不再从纯金融角度去想/ 外部利害相关方的需求和信念&dash/投包商/社区/非政府组织&dash/公司除Porter&rsquo\;sme众所周知dquo和如何影响策略将证明创新策略互连互连,scces公司.\n\n\nnContact细节:NeelHensman/nTelephone:(+44)01614948845/nAddress:United Kingdom.\nnnDTETMP:202403T122344ZTSTART:2021203T113000定位Webinar/