开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Condition Based Monitoring\n\nEvent Type: Tech nical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Manufacturing\n\nSpeak Details: Prof Mal ika Perera\, Associate Professor at SLIIT Campus Malabe with his team of p rofessionals from Forum of Condition Based Monitoring Engineering in Sri L anka.\n\nDescription : Condition Monitoring plays a key role in the reliab ility improvement program. Where we need to understand the machinery healt h\, declaring the alarms/warning for the machinery to prevent failures and improve profitability. In a true reliability based maintenance program\, condition monitoring is an integral part of planning\, scheduling and fore casting process. In more deeply it helps for root cause analysis so that t hey may predict\, and necessary precautionary measure can be implemented. Further\, this can be extent up to quality assurance process as well. Ther efore\, this course is designed to enlighten the horizons of modern day en gineers.\n\nContact Details: Eng. Chula De Silva\nAddress: n/a\, Sri Lanka .\n\n Alternative Contact: Eng. Dr. Ajith Shanmuganathan DTEND:20211117T190000 DTSTAMP:20230704T192650Z DTSTART:20211117T160000 LOCATION:Zoom meeting\, https://bit.ly/PostCovidEdu\, Sri Lanka SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Condition Based Monitoring UID:8cc620ce-13fa-4927-944f-0c2065c0b9f4 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR