开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Become an IMechE Fellow\n\nEvent Type: Profess ional development event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Zen is the IMechE Business Development Manager based in Kuala Lumpur\, Ma laysia. More information about him: https://nearyou.imeche.org/near-you/so uth-east-asia/imeche-business-development-manager\n\nDescription : Event/W ebinar timing is at 11:00am (GMT +8)\nDuration: Maximum of 1 hour\n \; \nFellowship is the most senior level of IMechE membership\, particularly suitable for engineers in a leadership role and influential in their organ isation's policy and strategy. \;\n\nThis short presentation will give advice on how to apply and what we look for. \; \;\n\nFull detail s of the Fellow criteria\, guidance notes and application form can be foun d at: \;\n//www.pedrorafa.com/membership-registration/upgrade-your- membership/fellowship-applications-existing-members\n\nMost people who app ly for Fellowship are existing professionally registered engineers\, but y ou don't have to be to apply\, and it is possible to gain direct entry as a Fellow and become professionally registered at the same time. \;\n\n There is no fee to join this webinar. It is open to all.\nFeel free to sha re the URL link of this event to your colleagues/friends/organisation.&nbs p\;\n\nOnce you have registered\, you should receive an email containing f urther information to join this webinar from the presenter. Please contact the presenter if you do not receive an email.\n \;\nThis event timing above is based on GMT +8\n\nContact Details: Zen Teng\nAddress: Malaysia. DTEND:20220325T120000 DTSTAMP:20230820T074827Z DTSTART:20220325T110000 LOCATION:Virtual Event\, South East Asia\, No Physical Venue\, Malaysia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Become an IMechE Fellow UID:df895ddf-1501-4a7f-b1c7-dbf67069c047 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR