开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - Latest Smart Lighting Control Tech nologies with Simple BMS Integration\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nI ndustry Sector: Construction & building services\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDes cription : Introduction\n\nBecause market is requesting many advanced ligh ting control functions\, demand of smart lighting system grows quickly. At the same time\, more clients are looking for one single BMS or IoT platfo rm to integrate HVAC and lighting control. Nevertheless\, integration was never easy or cost effective.\n\nThis lecture introduces the latest wirele ss automatic lighting control technologies for simple compliance of energy codes (BEC 2018 &\; BEAM PLUS) and maximization of energy savings thro ugh set-back of HVAC according to occupancy status from wireless sensors\, and covers means to ease facility management with smart lighting control system&rsquo\;s mobile APP\, plus integration with Building Management Sys tem\, IoT platform as well as AV Control System.\n\nBesides\, the lecture will enlighten how to start a green journey from developing a smart office to a smart building\, turning a business to become green and more sustain able.\n\nThis event is co-organized with \;Energy Institute Hong Kong Branch.\n\nSpeaker\n\nPatrick Yam is LUTRON&rsquo\;s National Sales Manage r of China specializes in energy solutions. LUTRON indeed is a leading sup plier of total light management system\, focusing on integrated energy-sav ing solutions for control of both electrical and natural light. LUTRON off ers intelligent shade system &\; various control strategies to enhance occupants&rsquo\; well-being &\; save energy for sustainable projects i n commercial\, hospitality and residential sectors. \n\nPatrick Yam has ov er 13-year of experiences in design and installation of energy-saving ligh t management and automated shade systems for various projects\, including LEED\, HKBEAM &\; WELL installations successfully commissioned in mainl and China and Hong Kong. In 2009\, Patrick Yam obtained his qualification of LEED Accredited Professional (LEED AP).\nIn recent years\, Patrick has been invited by various professional organizations as guest speaker to sha re his experiences in sustainable designs:\n2014 &ndash\; Hong Kong CIE (I nternational Commission of Illumination) \;\n2014 &ndash\; Internation al Facility Management Association (IFMA) HK Chapter\n2016 &ndash\; Intern ational Facility Management Association (IFMA) HK Chapter\n2016 &ndash\; H ong Kong Polytechnic University\n2017 &ndash\; The Hong Kong Institution o f Engineers (HKIE)\n2019 &ndash\; Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) as CPD event for BEAM Pro\n2019 &ndash\; The Hong Kong Institute of Archi tects (HKIA)\n2019 &ndash\; Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings (AIIB )\n2019 &ndash\; The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)\n2021 &ndas h\; International Facility Management Association (IFMA) HK Chapter\n2021 &ndash\; ASHRAE Hong Kong Chapter \;\n\n\n\nIr. Charles Chau is the Se nior Business Development Manager of CLP Innovation Enterprises Ltd. He ho lds a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering and a Master degree in Envir onmental Engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technolo gy. He got the Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and Certified Building Commi ssioning Professional (CBCP) qualification from AEE\, US in 2009 and 2018 respectively. He became a BEAM Professional from the HKGBC in 2011 and Cor porate Member in HKIE in Energy Discipline in 2014. He worked in the build ing services field for over 20 years and has rich experience in building s ervices engineering field\, specializing in intelligent building managemen t system\, power &\; energy management system and other smart building management systems. He has fulfilled many energy conservation and carbon f ootprint reduction solutions for prestigious commercial buildings\, hotels \, hospitals\, data centers as well as large shopping complexes in Hong Ko ng.\n\nLanguage: Cantonese\n\nRegistration deadline: 23 Feb 2022\n\nRegist ration\n\nContact Details: Wing-Hay Tsang DTEND:20220228T200000 DTSTAMP:20231103T001708Z DTSTART:20220228T183000 LOCATION:Webex\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - Latest Smart Lighting Control Technologies with Simple BMS Integration UID:05b2d219-3357-4dfc-b8a2-1c8e756e11d4 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR