开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Become a Fellow\n\nEvent Type: Professional de velopment event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Craig D avies\, Business Development Manager and Chris Atkins\, Business Developme nt Executive\n\nDescription : Fellowship is the most senior level of IMech E membership\, particularly suitable for engineers in a leadership role an d influential in their organisation's policy and strategy. \;\n\nThis short presentation will give advice on how to apply and what we look for.& nbsp\; We will provide guidance and support throughout the process. \; \n\nFull details of the Fellow criteria\, guidance notes and application f orm can be found at: \;\n//www.pedrorafa.com/membership-registratio n/upgrade-your-membership/fellowship-applications-existing-members\n\n\nMo st people who apply for Fellowship are existing professionally registered engineers\, but you don't have to be to apply\, and it is possible to gain direct entry as a Fellow and become professionally registered at the same time. \;\n\nIf you have any queries\, please let us know.\nLocation: \nWebex Presentation \nAttendance is free of charge.\nRegister for this ev ent: \;\nYou need to pre-register to attend this webinar. Booking is h ere\n\n\nYou dont have to be a Member of the Institution to attend. If you have a colleague/friend who would be interested\, please do pass on the d etails of this session. \;\n\nContact Details: MDM (Membership Develop ment & Apprentices) DTEND:20220422T120000 DTSTAMP:20230820T084327Z DTSTART:20220422T110000 LOCATION:Webinar\, See link in description\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Become a Fellow UID:c1a093bc-bc81-4893-a556-59876d1676de END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR