开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - The Art of Engineering: Phil Underwood + Devon and Cornwall Committee Annual General Meeting (AGM)\n\nEvent Type: Commit tee meeting or AGM\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Phil started his career as an Engineer. He spent 30 years in Change Management as a consultant in strategic projects\, designing change management progr ammes. Phil is an author\, publisher and has developed toolkits to help pe ople solve problems. He is currently authoring a book ‘art of Engineering’ .\n\nDescription : Devon and Cornwall Area Committee Annual General Meetin g + Talk by Phil Underwood CEng MIMechE: The 'Art of Engineering'\n\nThis years Annual General Meeting will be taking place at the Astor Room\, Plym outh Guildhall. The evening will consist of a talk by Phil Underwood CEng MIMechE\, discussing the 'Art of Engineering' before the Annual General Me eting formalities.\n\nMore about the speaker: \;\nPhil spent the first 10 years of his working life as an Engineer\, progressing from the shop f loor to become a Designer and then a Research Scientist (Chartered Enginee r). \;Then spent 30 years in Change Management as an internal/external consultant facilitating strategic projects\, designing and delivering cha nge management programmes and mentoring leaders. \;Phil is also an aut hor\, publisher and developer\, and has developed toolkits (books and an a pp) to help people solve their own problems and develop themselves. He is currently working on a new book &lsquo\;art of Engineering&rsquo\; and wil l be using material from it for the talk.\n\nThe Talk:\n\nThe talk will ex plore how engineers think and how they turn ideas into reality. Real probl ems and projects from the rail industry will be used to help us to underst and : \;\n\n\n \;- Engineering as A WAY OF THINKING\n \;- How engineers SOLVE PROBLEMS and the TOOLS they use\n \;- How engineers DE VELOP\n\n\nThen look at how an &lsquo\;engineering way of thinking&rsquo\; can help solve business problems and develop people.\n\nAnnual General M eeting Details:\nThe Annual General Meeting will consist of reviewing the past year in the IMechE committee\, look ahead to the following year and C ommittee elections.\n\nIf you are interested in joining the committee plea se take a look at our committee profiles page. If you would like to be ele cted into a role or you are interested in becoming a supporting member\, p lease fill out the following nominations form:\n\nClick here for 'Nominati ons Survey'\n\nClick to join meeting\n\n\n\n\n\nContact Details: Jack Maso n DTEND:20220330T200000 DTSTAMP:20230819T162606Z DTSTART:20220330T180000 LOCATION:Plymouth Guild Hall\, Astor Room\, Guildhall Square\, Plymouth\, P L12BJ\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Art of Engineering: Phil Underwood + Devon and Cornwall Committ ee Annual General Meeting (AGM) UID:48ac6921-dc0c-4505-a08c-4b71deb026b8 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR