开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Renishaw PLC: Getting Engineering Products fro m Lab to Market\n\nEvent Type: Talk or debate\n\nIndustry Sector: Machine systems informatics & control\n\nSpeak Details: Dr Rick Dewar CEng\, FIMec hE is a technical manager at Renishaw. After starting at Cochran Boilers i n Dumfriesshire\, Rick moved to Heriot-Watt as a researcher on assembly pl anning in virtual reality. For the last 15 years he has been with Renishaw in product development and operational roles.\n\nDescription : \n\nLinkin g engineering research with new products sold for profit\; effective colla boration or conflict of interest?\nDescription of Talk: In Renishaw we are interested in liberating ideas from the lab to the market\, but inevitabl y there are instances of success and failure. Just as with Darwinian evolu tion in biology\, this disparity can be survival of the fittest\, but coul d equally be because of random bad luck. Through anecdote we explore some of the factors affecting technology transfer. We&rsquo\;ll consider the co ntrasting goals and tensions between academia and industry\, which can lea d to conflicts of interest. Finally\, we&rsquo\;ll leave you with some tho ughts on the ethics of profiting from research.\nBio: Dr Rick Dewar CEng\, FIMechE is a technical manager in Renishaw PLC in Edinburgh. Having gradu ated from Heriot-Watt University in the late 1980s he began his career in the packaged shell boiler industry with Cochran Boilers in Dumfriesshire. He then moved back to Heriot-Watt as a researcher working on assembly plan ning in virtual reality\, which was the start of a decade long academic ca reer in mechanical and software engineering. However\, he returned to indu stry and has been working with Renishaw for the last 15 years in product d evelopment and operational roles.\n\n\n\nContact Details: Dr. Alex Quayle DTEND:20220412T220000 DTSTAMP:20230703T074405Z DTSTART:20220412T190000 LOCATION:The Royal Scots Club\, 30 Abercromby Place\, EDINBURGH\, EH3 6QE\ , United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Renishaw PLC: Getting Engineering Products from Lab to Market UID:74d04e1d-ee5f-4f63-87f6-ec54843d1336 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR