开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - EVENT CANCELLED - UK Launch: Why\, What and Ho w\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Aerospace Industrie s\n\nSpeak Details: Andrew Ratcliffe is Chief Engineer at the UK Space Age ncy (UKSA) leading the newly formed Office of the Chief Engineer (OCE).\n\ nDescription : \nOver the coming year the UK will see its first orbital la unch. Andrew Ratcliffe\, Chief Engineer at the UKSA\, will provide an upda te on the plans for launch from the UK: from the regulatory framework whic h saw the establishment of the CAA as the independent spaceflight regulato r\, to the grant funding which has supported a number of commercial operat ors. Within the presentation Andrew will also introduce why small launch i s important as an enabler for the small satellite industry and what engine ering approaches are being implemented by launch vehicle operators. \; \n\n\n \;\n\n\nFurther information can be found here. Registration is not required but a £\;3 donation is suggested for non-members. Free t o all RAeS members and friends of Farnborough Branch. \;\n\n\n \;\ n\n\nAndrew Ratcliffe is Chief Engineer at the UK Space Agency (UKSA) lead ing the newly formed Office of the Chief Engineer (OCE). Within this role Andrew serves as principal advisor to the Deputy CEO and other senior offi cials across HMG on matters pertaining to the technical readiness and exec ution of UKSA programmes and projects. As part of this role\, Andrew repre sents HMG as head of delegation at a number of international forums includ ing the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Science and Techn ical Sub-Committee (UN COPUOS STSC) and Inter-Agency Debris Coordination C ommittee (IADC). Prior to joining the UKSA\, Andrew worked for Airbus Defe nce and Space where he led a number of mission studies and technology deve lopment activities for the European Space Agency (ESA) including the devel opment of a Harpoon for capturing space debris. \;\n\n\nContact Detail s: Peter Recardo\n\n Alternative Contact: Pratik Gurung DTEND:20220412T210000 DTSTAMP:20230820T071144Z DTSTART:20220412T193000 LOCATION:Farnborough College of Technology\, Boundary Road\, Farnborough\, GU14 6SB\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EVENT CANCELLED - UK Launch: Why\, What and How UID:98af1fe8-c4a3-4b38-a0dd-a9cf1f6bb6df END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR