开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Using Space Engineering to Build a Business\n\ nEvent Type: Talk or debate\n\nIndustry Sector: Aerospace Industries\n\nSp eak Details: \n\nDescription : In this free webinar\, our speakers will ex plain how their business either developed a technology that is used in spa ce or use data derived from space technology. They will explain some of th e engineering behind each of their products and how their businesses have developed from concept to the business that they have today.\n\nRegister H ere\n\n\nAbout the speakers\nJohn O'Donoghue of Enbio\nENBIO is the invent or and owner of a technology called CoBlast\, which was used on the missio n-critical thermal control coatings for the Solar Orbiter satellite launch ed in February 2020. They are now engaged with companies in industrial man ufacturing\, aerospace and defence\, automotive\, oil and gas\, and energy \, the objective being to provide a sustainable technology solution as an alternative to hazardous and toxic material processes. John \; graduat ed from UCD\, with a Mechanical Engineering degree and went on to work in a series of medical device companies (National Medical Care\, J&\;J\, G uidant). In 2001 he began to study metal surface modification while undert aking an MSc in Biomedical Engineering in TCD and\, prompted by this resea rch\, he developed and patented the CoBlast process. In 2006\, he left the security of corporate employment and started ENBIO.\n\nJohn E Ward of R&e acute\;altra Space Systems Engineering\nRealtime Technologies\, of which R é\;altra Space Systems Engineering is a division\, has manufactured\ , integrated\, and tested the electronic boards for the data acquisition s ystems for a wide range of past and future space missions since 2006\, whi ch include launch vehicles such as SpaceX Falcon 9\, Vega-C and Ariane 5 a nd 6. John has a PhD in experimental astrophysics and has worked in space start-ups since 2017. He has experience in project management\, mentorship \, data analysis\, testing of equipment for use in launch/space environmen ts\, scientific ballooning and electronics/software development.\n\nJens K ö\;pke of Motorklik\nMotorklik is an electronic device designed for us e in motorsport applications. 90% of racers don&rsquo\;t know how to set t heir suspension properly\, and Motoklik gives racers the information they need for the best suspension set-up for the current track conditions so th ey can improve their performance and safety. \; This includes lap timi ng analysis and section timing analysis calculated from the satellite posi tion data. The system also provides front and rear suspension position dat a\, to identify bottoming identification to identify where on the track th e suspension is using most of the available displacement and live suspensi on sag which allows the user to check the front and rear suspension positi on in real time. Jens is the founder and has been riding and racing off-ro ad motorbikes for over 20 years\, through the sport of motocross. He has a BEng (Hons) in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and an MSc in Inn ovative Technology Engineering from Waterford IT. \; He worked recentl y as an R&\;D Process Development Engineer for Bausch + Lomb\, before f ounding Motoklik.\n\nContact Details: Paul Dillon\nAddress: Dept of Mechan ical Engineering\, TU Dublin\, \, Tallaght Campus\, Tallaght\, D24 FKT9\, Ireland. DTEND:20220412T193000 DTSTAMP:20230819T181042Z DTSTART:20220412T183000 LOCATION:Virtual Meeting \, Zoom - Link after Registration\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Using Space Engineering to Build a Business UID:5775c24f-d6b3-4bcc-9fb5-2e9d2818523b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR