开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Heathrow Energy Centre\n\nEvent Type: Technica l visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Power Industries\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescrip tion : The wood fuelled power plant exports 1.8 MW of electricity into the local grid and 8MW of heat to terminals 2 and 5 for heating purposes.&nbs p\; Wood fuel\, around 25\,000 tonnes per year \, is sourced from sustaina ble woodlands such as the London Wetlands Centre in Barnes and Richmond Pa rk. \; The resulting ash is recycled for use as fertiliser in local ag riculture. \; \;Heat from the plant as high temperature hot water displaces heat from natural gas boilers thus reducing the airport&rsquo\; s carbon footprint. \; The power generating plant thermal process is a n Organic Rankine Cycle in which the silicon oil thermal process of the OR C is supplied with heat from the biomass combustion flue gas stream by a p rimary thermal oil loop with heat input from a flue gas heat exchanger and output to silicon oil heat exchange in the ORC process package.\n\nPPE re quired: \;Safety boots \, high viz and safety glasses\n\nDate and time :\nWednesday 20th April\nPlease arrive at 1315 for a 1330 start to the tou r\n\nLocation:\nHeathrow Energy Centre\, Sealand Road\, TW6 3AQ\n\nRegiste r for this event:\nYou need to pre-register to attend this event. For furt her details please email Paul Apps\n\nContact Details: Paul Apps DTEND:20220420T150000 DTSTAMP:20230820T071137Z DTSTART:20220420T133000 LOCATION:Heathrow Energy Centre\, Heathrow Energy Centre\, Sealand Road\, T W6 3AQ\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Heathrow Energy Centre UID:8d0729fc-bf14-4bc1-b1d7-2680bcb2d05d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR