开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Technical Webinar: Power of Data Digitization and Analytics for Smart Energy Systems\n\nEvent Type: Seminar\n\nIndustry Sector: Construction & building services\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : Introduction: \;\nEnergy data analytics can be found in more and mo re energy systems. From retro-commissioning in buildings to fault detectio n and diagnostics of chillers\, you can find it in all stages of building energy system operation. In this seminar\, two presentations will be given to discuss the evolution of data digitization and analytics in energy sys tems with the following topics:\n1) Energy Management with Data Digitizati on and Analytics in the Era of Carbon Neutrality\n2) Case study on Opportu nities to Revise Energy Codes by Data Digitization Using a Smart Building Energy Audit Tool With Buildings in Hong Kong\nThe first presentation invo lves a review of existing and upcoming data digitization and analytics app lication in energy systems\, and the second presentation gives a case stud y of the application of data analytics for an emerging application for bui lding energy efficiency.\n\nSpeakers:\nDr. Howard Cheung is an Assistant D irector at Carbon Exchange (Hong Kong) Limited with career and research in terest in HVAC\, building and energy system and smart city solutions. He e arned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in August 2014 at Purdue Universit y with a thesis topic Inverse Modeling of Vapor Compression Equipment to E nable Simulation of Fault Impacts. He is currently working on smart energy and city solutions for energy saving practices and policies\, smart water solutions\, green building\, energy efficiency &\; carbon reduction co nsultancy works. He is also developing a smart energy audit tool and condu cting other related research to assist buildings to quantify their energy saving and carbon credit potential for carbon neutrality.\n\nLanguage: Eng lish\n\nOnline registration\n\nContact Details: Christina Wong\nTelephone: +852 3153 4182 DTEND:20220425T191500 DTSTAMP:20231028T105913Z DTSTART:20220425T181500 LOCATION:Online\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Technical Webinar: Power of Data Digitization and Analytics for Sma rt Energy Systems UID:18b49fe7-95b9-4c30-8ff2-a6291276cc75 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR