开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Visit to the Port of Nigg\n\nEvent Type: Techn ical visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Renewable energy\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDesc ription : \n\n\n \;\nStrategically located in the Cromarty Firth and w ith direct access to the North Sea\, The Port of Nigg is widely recognised for its multi-sector capability. \; Within its 740\,000m2 footprint\, the facilities include a major construction and marshalling yard\, covere d fabrication hall and deepwater quaysides. \; The site includes the w ell-known graving dock where many North Sea platforms were constructed.&nb sp\; Today the Port of Nigg is busy supporting offshore and onshore renewa bles\, oil\, gas &\; nuclear projects.\n\nGlobal Energy Group have kind ly invited the IMechE Aberdeen Branch to visit the Port facilities for a g uided bus tour. \; The tour will take in a range of the onsite capabil ities. \; These include the marshalling area for the Seagreen wind far m jackets\, turbines for the Creag Riabhach onshore wind farm\, a 2800 ton ring crane\, tanker berth and other offshore vessels\, FPSOs and/or rigs that will be in port. \; Lunch will be provided and there will be a pr esentation about the Port&rsquo\;s history and ongoing development.\nDetai ls for this event are as follows:\nPrice: The event\, transportation and l unch are free of charge. \; \;\nTravel: A bus will be provided for the duration of the visit (including travel to and from Nigg). The bus wi ll depart at approximately 8am from Kingswell Park and Ride (AB15 8UN). Re turn to Aberdeen is expected at approximately 7pm. A toilet will be availa ble on the bus.\nFood: A sandwich lunch will be provided at Global Energy Group's facility in Nigg. Please detail any dietary requirements in the fo rm linked at the bottom of this page. There will also be a food stop for f ish and chips on the return journey.\nAge restriction: Participants must b e at least 18 years old.\nWhat to Bring: \;Photo ID is required for ac cess to the Nigg facility. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is not requ ired for this trip.\nAdditional Info: \;It should be noted that smokin g is not permitted at The Port of Nigg facility.\nIf you are interested in attending please complete this short form: \;https://forms.gle/9puUMq ZiWvwQSmtc6\n\nParticipants will also be required to provide security deta ils ahead of departure. \; Details on this and any additional informat ion or amendments will be provided/requested via e-mail in due course.\nSh ould you have any questions please contact Scott Rosie (Scott.Rosie@member .imeche.org) or Tegwen Northam (Tegwen.Northam@member.imeche.org). \;\ nPlease note that numbers are restricted for this event\, and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. \; If after registeri ng you are not able to take part\, please let us know so we can make your place available to someone else.\n\n\n\nContact Details: Scott Rosie\nAddr ess: United Kingdom.\n\n Alternative Contact: Tegwen Northam EngTech\, MIM echE\nAddress: Aberdeen\, United Kingdom. DTEND:20220624T190000 DTSTAMP:20230807T064007Z DTSTART:20220624T080000 LOCATION:The Port of Nigg\, Nigg\, Tain\, IV19 1QU\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Visit to the Port of Nigg UID:b2793594-dcac-4160-92d5-8da3d7a680fa END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR