开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - Home Visiting to People with Disab ilities for Smart Home Devices Installation\n\nEvent Type: Social event\n\ nIndustry Sector: Other Industries / Sectors\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescrip tion : Volunteer Services Project &ndash\; Home Visiting to People with Di sabilities for Smart Home Devices Installation\n\n\nIntroduction of Servic e Project\nWhile talking about improving the world through engineering\, i t is no doubt that we mechanical engineers are making contribution every d ay in our working positions. However\, have you ever thought of contributi ng our expertise in a non-working position? Here is an opportunity for you !\n\nOur Community Service Group (CSG) of IMechE HKB is now launching a ne w service project with 1st Step Association. The service project consists of 2 sessions (one session per month)\, scheduled to be held on 30 Jul and 13 Aug 2022 (Saturdays). \;\n\nSocial worker of 1st Step Association will provide training to participants in the 1st Session. Participants wil l gain knowledge and experience in social services for disabled people/ wh eelchair users. \;\n\nIn the 2nd Session\, volunteers will visit the h ome of disabled people\, targeting to conduct survey to record the needs i n their daily life at home\, and help to install the Smart Home Device (eg remote control light bulb\, on/off switch\, motion sensing lamp\, etc). G ift and other daily resources will also be delivered by volunteers to shar e the care and love to the disable people. \;\n\n(ps Participants are recommended to join both sessions to get knowledge and experience in servi ng the disable people.) \;\n\n\nDate: \n30 Jul 2022 (Saturday) &ndash\ ; Session 1 (Training Workshop at Services Centre)\n13 Aug 2022 (Saturday) &ndash\; Session 2 (Home Visiting to Disable People)\n \nTime: 2:30pm - 5:30pm\n(Gathering Time: 2:15pm at 1st Step Association) \n\nVenue: 1st Step Association\, Room 58-61\, G/F\, Kai Yue House\, Kai Yip Estate\, Kow loon Bay (10 mins walk from Kowloon Bay MTR Exit B)\n\nCertificate of atte ndance will be distributed for attending the service sessions.\n\nRequirem ent of Vaccine Pass:\nParticipants are required to provide Vaccine Pass wi th three doses of vaccine\, and follow the latest &ldquo\;Prevention and C ontrol of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Re gulation (Cap. 599F)&rdquo\; of HKSAR.\n\nPlease download the flyer for de tails.\n\nOnline registration\n*Registration deadline is 27 July 2022.&nbs p\; Confirmation email will be sent to successful registrants by 28 July 2 022.\n\nContact Details: Peter Wong\nAddress: Hong Kong. DTEND:20220813T173000 DTSTAMP:20231027T090611Z DTSTART:20220730T143000 LOCATION:Please see event description above\, Please see event description above\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - Home Visiting to People with Disabilities for Smart Hom e Devices Installation UID:c3bea697-15d2-4e36-9670-3c7d7c07a708 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR