开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Classic Car Social Event and David Brown Tract or Club Museum Tour\n\nEvent Type: Social event\n\nIndustry Sector: Automo bile\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : \n\nThe IMechE in partnership wit h the DBTC invite you to our classic car social event at the DBTC Museum.\ n\nThere will be a short talk about the history of David Brown Tractors al ong with a guided tour of the museum exhibits. \;\n\nGuests are also e ncouraged to bring along their classic &\; exotic cars for display outs ide the venue. \;\n\nA light buffet will be provided together with the opportunity to network and talk about all things automotive.\n\nThis even t counts towards CPD.\nFriends and Family Welcome\nOnly Limited place - Re gistration required\n\n**If you experience any issues booking tickets\, pl ease contact Nicky Baxter via the "Send a message" link at the bottom of t his page.**\n\n\nEvent Poster : Click to open. Feel free to display and di stribute as appropriate. \;\n\nVenue Map:\n\n\n\nFor more details on D avid Brown Tractor Club please visit: \;https://dbtc.co.uk/\n\n\n\n\nC ontact Details: Nicky Baxter\nAddress: \, United Kingdom. DTEND:20220911T173000 DTSTAMP:20230819T194718Z DTSTART:20220911T143000 LOCATION:David Brown Tractor Club Museum\, Meltham Mills Industrial Estate (Gate 4) - Unit J2\, Knowles Ln\, Meltham\, HD9 4DS\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Classic Car Social Event and David Brown Tractor Club Museum Tour UID:5668ae41-4d1e-4f20-a2e3-a5531341a26b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR