开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Speak Out for Engineering (SOfE) 2023 - Victor ia Heat [Virtual]\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cro ss-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : Are you looking for an oppor tunity to develop your presentation skills? Are you a talented young publi c speaker looking for a new challenge?\n\nSpeak Out for Engineering is a c ompetition designed to help young engineers develop verbal and visual comm unication skills in explaining mechanical engineering related subjects\n\n \nThe competition \;\n\nEstablished in 1964\, the competition is organ ised and run annually by the Institution. Over 50 competition heats take p lace across the globe every year. Winners from each heat are invited to pa rticipate in their regional final and the winners of the regional finals p articipate in the annual Global Final where the overall SOfE winner is cro wned.\nPresentation\n\nCompetitors must give a 20 minute oral presentation on a mechanical engineering subject\, followed by up to 10 minutes of que stioning from judges/ the audience.\n\n90% of the total marks are given fo r presentation with only 10% for technical content. This ensures that whil e all presentations must have mechanical engineering content in its broade st sense (e.g. purpose\, research\, design\, feasibility and practicality) \, a topic concerning comparatively &lsquo\;low&rsquo\; technology has an equal chance of success as one which is technologically very complex.\nWho can enter\n\nThe competition is open to Affiliate members of the institut ion\, or Associate members \;who have been professionally registered f or under 10 years. Depending on your circumstances\, it may be free to joi n. \;\n\nApplications for the heat are open until two week prior to th e event at which point competitors and judges will be contacted to confirm their participation\, and all attendees will receive \;a link to join the virtual event.\n\nIf you are not currently an IMechE member but would like to take part\, please contact us at the address below for assistance !\nCompetition Heats\n\n1st \;Prize - £\;300 (approx. $574*) & \; certificate\n2nd \;Prize - £\;200 (approx. AU$380*) &\; cer tificate.\n\n(*Depending on the exchange rates - exact amount determined a t time of payment)\nOceania Regional Finals\n\nDate and location to be det ermined \;\nCash prizes as above.\nGlobal Final\n\nDate and location t o be determined \;\n\n1st \;Prize - £\;1\,000 &\; certific ate\n2nd \;Prize - £\;500 &\; certificate\nResources:\nIMechE Membership\n\n\n\nCompetitors Guidance Document2023\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConta ct Details: Geraldo Tegouch\nAddress: Melbourne\, 3000\, Australia.\n\n Al ternative Contact: Nic Coulthard\nAddress: Australia. DTEND:20230914T193000 DTSTAMP:20231022T153321Z DTSTART:20230914T173000 LOCATION:Virtual (Online)\, Online\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out for Engineering (SOfE) 2023 - Victoria Heat [Virtual] UID:1c994974-cb17-4bf2-9d91-530ef3b3bd6c END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR