开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - IFMA Hong Kong Chapter Conference – *integrate|2022\n\nEvent Type: Conference\n\nIndustry Sector: Management \n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : Organized by IFMA Hong Kong Chapter\n IMechE HK Branch as one of the supporting organizations\n\nThe theme of in tegrate 2022 is &ldquo\;Driving ESG Through FM Leadership&rdquo\;. An incr easing number of businesses are realizing the importance of sustainability . Not only the financial outcome contributes to the potential growth of an enterprise but also the ethical conducts coming along with its social res ponsibility. At this year&rsquo\;s Conference\, we will focus on how FM pr ofessionals encourage operational efficiency with ESG indicators.\n\nFor d etails and registration\, please visit event website\nhttps://www.ifma.org .hk/integrate2022/index \;\n\nContact Details: Andy Wong\nAddress: Hon g Kong. DTEND:20220908T180000 DTSTAMP:20231029T061018Z DTSTART:20220908T090000 LOCATION:Hybrid\, Refer to event information for details\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - IFMA Hong Kong Chapter Conference – *integrate|2022 UID:db0b18cc-ba9d-4d96-895a-8465b53a4310 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR