开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Performance reporting and analysis – making su re leaders know whether things are going right.\n\nEvent Type: Technical l ecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Process Industries\n\nSpeak Details: Presenters : Richard Roff\, Ryszard Hellebrand\n\nDescription : To book your place on to this event\, \;please click here.\n\nThis Process Industries Divis ion Event has been organised by the Process Industries Division Centres in the North West \;and Yorkshire Regions and the Aberdeen Area\, part o f the Process Industries Community \n \;\nOrganisations with catastrop hic or process incident risks must monitor and manage those risks across t he process lifecycle from design to eventual demolition &ndash\; this incl udes being aware of the status of risk control systems or barriers that re duce the chances of incidents.\nA number of well-know incidents will be an alysed to consider what might have been monitored and analysed by or for l eaders that would have allowed them to act to head off the event.\nA furth er presentation will cover how and where information relating to process s afety should flow around a large organisation.\nIn organisations with such risks\, leaders and managers should engage with data and information abou t their risk control systems to decide whether action is required. \nPerfo rmance indicators are best created from some measure of the risk control s ystems so that they can be leading measures\; in this way\, strong respons es to fix problems can be made to weak signals of problems i.e. long befor e a loss is imminent. \; We will discuss how to decide what to measure .\n \;\nThe audience will be asked to consider whether the helpful ind icators and analysis are made available to leaders and managers where they work so that they can take timely actions.\n \;\nThe presentations wi ll be followed by a Q and A session where there will be an opportunity for questions to be taken from the audience\nThis is the sixth webinar in the series &ldquo\;Steal with pride: \; Learning Lessons for Success in C atastrophic Incident Prevention&rdquo\;\n \;\n\nContact Details: Noel Hensman\nTelephone: (+44) 0161 494 8845 \nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20220906T123000 DTSTAMP:20230820T020705Z DTSTART:20220906T113000 LOCATION:Online Webinar\, Online Webinar\, Online Webinar\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Performance reporting and analysis – making sure leaders know wheth er things are going right. UID:10dfc7b3-6650-411c-988b-2a9cf2f3389f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR