manbetx体育注册BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Certified Energy Management for Non-Energy Man agers\n\nEvent Type: Workshop\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak De tails: Andy Bell Chartered Energy Manager CEng MEI FIMechE\n\nand\n\nChri s Burgess CEng MEI\n\nDescription : \n\n\n\nThis workshop course has been jointly developed by the Energy Institute and NewRIIS Singapore \;and is supported by IMechE Singapore Branch\n\n\n\nSummary\n\nThis course will provide an awareness and understanding of the importance of energy\nmanag ement in your company\, an appreciation of the skills an Energy Manager ut ilizes in order to\nmanage energy and therefore carbon effectively on a da y-to-day basis and the ability to\nunderstand\, assess\, review and judge the viability of energy efficiency investments.\n\n\nMore details on the F lyer:- \;Energy Management for Non-Energy Managers\n\n\n\nWho Should A ttend\n\n\n\n\n\n \n Aspiring Energy Managers\, Facility Managers\, engineers and technicians who are not yet ready to start\n the SCEM cou rse\n \n \n \n Senior and Middle Management who have responsib ility for Facility Managers\n and Energy Managers in their companies\n \n \n \n Managers/Accountants/Auditors with responsibility for signing off Energy\n Saving/Energy Conservation measures\n \n \n \n Existing Facility Managers/Energy Managers who do not have SCEM\ n qualification\n \n \n \n Company managers who use consult ants for their energy management but\n want to have an enhanced underst anding of energy management\n \n \n \n Others who wish to gain an appreciation of energy management without\n having to do the SCEM c ourse.\n \n\nRegister here \;\n\n\n\n\n\nTopics\n\n\n\n\n\n \n Energy&rsquo\;s significance to the Climate Change Emergency declared in Singapore\n \n \n Why you need an energy manager and programme i n your organisation\n \n \n How to estimate the Opex an energy ma nager could save your organisation\n \n \n Singapore &ndash\!dquo/4开关/dquo/nif so\, how to implement it?\n \n \n Where is Energy Used\, what is embodied energy?\n \n \n How much energ y do we use each day/year and how do we compare worldwide. \; \;Ho w does it relate to Carbon Footprint?\n \n \n What are the Greenh ouse Gases and what is CO2e?\n \n \n Develop an understanding of the concept of carbon emissions\, carbon trading and \;how they are re gulated and reported upon\n \n \n How does LNG\, Hydrogen and CCU S fit in?\n \n \n Carbon Net Zero and its relationship to energy together with \;Science based targets?\n \n \n Overview of Bu ilding Systems and how where can we save energy?\n \n \n How to d o an Energy Review/Audit and why?\n \n \n What are the right ener gy KPIs for your organisation?\n \n \n How to commission and read an energy report.\n \n \n How to evaluate an Energy Saving Proje ct and prioritise it against other competing projects in the company.\n \n \n Why do a Life Cycle Costing Analysis \;for an energy proj ect?\n \n \n How to mount an effective staff awareness campaign\n \n \n How to save energy carbon and COST\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis course will have a short examination to test knowledge and successful par ticipants will receive a certificate from the Energy Institute endorsed by NewRIIS\n\n\n\n\n\nContact Details: Andy Bell\nAddress: Singapore.DTEND:20221125T170000DTSTOM:20240113T043927ZTSTART:2022123T093000