开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - Hong Kong Cannery & Mezzanine Make r - Brewery Tour\n\nEvent Type: Technical visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Manufa cturing\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : Hong Kong Cannery (HKC) is the first local Brewery specializes in offering OEM (Original Equipment Manuf acturer) brewing and canning services for non-beer beverage. HKC also inno vate new flavours and reinvent existing drinks\, creating unique and affor dable premium craft beverages in Hong Kong. The visit provide a great chan ce to understand difficulties and opportunities with re-industrialization in Hong Kong. \;\n\nAseembly time and location: 18:45 @ Prosperity Ind ustrial Building\, 89 Wai Yip Street \, Kwun Tong \;\n\nFee: HK$190 pe r person \n(Payment link will be provided upon verification of membership) \n\nCapacity: 10\n\nLanguage: Cantonese\n\nRegistration deadline: 30 Sep 2 022\n\nSpecial requirement\n- Visitors are required to present proof of a negative rapid antigen test (RAT) result obtained on the event day before entering the venue. Event participants are required to present to the even t organiser an image of their negative RAT result at the assembly address prior to the event.\n- Use of 'LeaveHomeSafe' mobile application is requir ed while entering the premises.\n- Only participant with Blue code in Vacc ine pass can enter the premises.\n\nFlyer\n\nOnline registration\n* Regist ration on first-come-first-served basis with priority given to IMechE memb ers. \;\n* \;Shortlisted registrants will be notified by email on or before 05 Oct 2022 with payment link. \;\n\n\n\nContact Details: \n \n Alternative Contact: Henry Chan\nAddress: Hong Kong. DTEND:20221014T210000 DTSTAMP:20231101T013442Z DTSTART:20221014T190000 LOCATION:Mezzanine Floor\, Prosperity Industrial Building\, 89 Wai Yip Stre et \, Kwun Tong \, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - Hong Kong Cannery & Mezzanine Maker - Brewery Tour UID:be70852a-9cae-4912-97d8-bbcb204ba54f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR