开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - Webinar Next Generation of Green B uilding Technologies\n\nEvent Type: Seminar\n\nIndustry Sector: Constructi on & building services\n\nSpeak Details: Ir Dr Edwin Tso | Assistant Profe ssor\, School of Energy and Environment City University of Hong Kong\n\nDe scription : Webinar: Next Generation of Green Building Technologies: Passi ve Radiative Cooling &\; Thermochromic Smart Windows\n\nTwo state-of-th e-art green building technologies - Passive Radiative Cooling &\; Therm ochromic Smart Windows will be introduced and shared in this webinar by Dr Edwin Tso of School of Energy and Environment City University of Hong Kon g. These technologies reduce solar heat gain and building energy usage\, p roviding indoor thermal comfort while they require no electricity and are environmentally friendly.\n\nIn this Webinar\, development history\, techn ical content and insights on passive radiative cooling and thermochromic s mart windows will be delivered. \;\n\nPlease register online on or bef ore 1 October 2022\n\nThe event will be conducted via Webex. You do not ne ed a Webex account to join the seminar. You can join from WebexApps instal led on your device or from browser (computer only). To join Webex event on mobile\, please download WebexApps in advance. When you click the link in confirmation email\, you will be directed to the Apps or to Apps store if you havenot downloaded yet.\n \;\nFlyer\n\n\nOnline registration\n\nC ontact Details: Sam Wong\nAddress: Hong Kong. DTEND:20221005T200000 DTSTAMP:20231027T162605Z DTSTART:20221005T183000 LOCATION:Online\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - Webinar Next Generation of Green Building Technologies UID:943572cb-7c6c-4482-a020-f9e926f7d64e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR