manbetx体育注册BEGIN:VCALENDAR方法:PUBLISBEGIN:VEDDRATIONE:NEWNEDEREWEDSUTENGEG/EEUE应用讲习班SH东亚SUTHENENENENEVETNEDNETYSEDERMmanbetx体育注册更多有关他的信息 https/已满足学术能力需求 才能管理这个工作坊If you are unsure\, please email to zen_teng@im\n\nThe presenter will guide you through each of the five UK SPEC competence statements and tips on completing the application form and a br ief session on what to expect at the Professional Review Interview.\n\nWha t you will learn at the end of this presentation: \;\n- Understand how your qualifications\, career and experience map across to the requirement s for registration\n- Compose Personal Competence Statements and a Develop ment Action Plan\n\nThere is no fee to join this webinar.s/friendd/组织共享事件URL链接向al.nFeel开放email.\n/nCont行为细节:ZenTeng/nDTEND:2021216T120000DTAMP:20240113T093814ZDSTART:2021216T110000Lacation:Online