开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - HAESCO Forum "Development of Natio nal Carbon Trading System"\n\nEvent Type: Seminar\n\nIndustry Sector: Ener gy transfer & thermofluid mechanics\n\nSpeak Details: Please refer to flye r\n\nDescription : HAESCO Forum "Development of National Carbon Trading Sy stem in 14th 5-Year Plan and its Impact on Abatement Cost for Industry Sec tor"\nSupported by IMechE Hong Kong Branch and other organizations\n\nLang uage: Mandarin\n\nFlyer\n\nOnline registration\n\nContact Details: Colin Tam DTEND:20221022T123000 DTSTAMP:20231027T003850Z DTSTART:20221022T093000 LOCATION:Online\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - HAESCO Forum "Development of National Carbon Trading Sy stem" UID:4de2525f-92ec-4528-b0b0-017281372b66 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR