开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Visit to FLYER e-bikes\n\nEvent Type: Technica l visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Manufacturing\n\nSpeak Details: The tour will be given by expert staff from FLYER AG\n\nDescription : \nThe itinerary of the IMechE Switzerland visit to FLYER AG is as follows\n\n15.00 Welcome a nd FLYER factory tour in English\n16.00 E-bike Test ride\n16.30 Expert tal k on suspension geometry design \;\n17.30 Apé\;ro \;\n18.00 Farewell\n\nContact Details: Oliver Farrell\nAddress: Switzerland.\n\n Alt ernative Contact: Toby Vickers\nAddress: Switzerland. DTEND:20221021T180000 DTSTAMP:20230819T174437Z DTSTART:20221021T150000 LOCATION:FLYER AG\, Schwende 1\, Huttwil\, 4950\, Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Visit to FLYER e-bikes UID:53ae0258-388e-4250-bdef-1d79985b111f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR