开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - EI HK 7th International Conference on Hydrogen and Clean Energy to Net Zero\n\nEvent Type: Conference\n\nInd ustry Sector: Energy transfer & thermofluid mechanics\n\nSpeak Details: \n \nDescription : Organized by Energy Institute Hong Kong\nCo-organized by I MechE Hong Kong Branch and other organizations\n\nThe Sixth IPCC Assessmen t Report "The Physical Science Base of Climate Change" released on 9th Aug ust 2021 warns that it is only possible to avoid global warming of 1 .5&de g\;C or 2°\;C if massive and immediate cut in greenhouse gas emissions is made. In this part of the world China promises to strive to achieve car bon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060\, while Hong Kong being the foremost internationalised city of China also vows to achieve carbon neut rality by 2050. \;\n\nTo achieve these challenging goals\, researchers and technical experts are exploring various zero carbon energy resources\ , among which hydrogen utilisation is one of the promising alternatives. Y et\, there are many challenges ahead in the policies and technological dev elopment\, safety precaution and infrastructure need for generation\, dist ribution\, storage and utilisation of hydrogen. \;\n\nThis internation al conference will bring together policy makers\, scientists\, researchers \, academia\, engineers\, green groups and other stakeholders for knowledg e and experience sharing of their recent advancement in these areas. Polic y makers\, in particular\, are invited to chart the policy directives in c arbon neutrality in the region as well. \;\n\nRegistration Fee:\nHK$1\ ,000 &ndash\; for Members of Organisers / Co-organisers \;\nHK$1\,100 &ndash\; for Members of Supporting Organisations / Students\nHK$1\,200 &nd ash\; for Non-members\n \;\n\nFor details of the event\, please refer to flyer.\n\nRegistration\n \;\n\n \;\n\nContact Details: April Li \nTelephone: 852 29678855 DTEND:20221202T180000 DTSTAMP:20231024T092014Z DTSTART:20221201T133000 LOCATION:City University of Hong Kong - Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall\, 5/F Lau Ming Wai Academic Building\, 83 Tat Chee Avenue \, Kowloon Tong\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - EI HK 7th International Conference on Hydrogen and Clea n Energy to Net Zero UID:b6a0f157-231a-4949-b499-12fb5d5aeb6b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR