开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - YMS CV Workshop\n\nEvent Type: Wor kshop\n\nIndustry Sector: Management\n\nSpeak Details: Andre Hui and Phili p Cheng from HAYS\n\nDescription : Ever wonder how to gain an edge over ot hers when looking for a job?\n\nJoin us and our experts from Hays can help brush up your CV and interview skill.\n\nSpeaker: Andre Hui and Philip Ch eng from HAYS\n\nThis event mainly includes the followings:\n\nCV Tips\n- Guide to create a good\n- Tips for CV writing\n- How to secure a job in 20 22 &\; beyond\n\nInterview Preparation Tips\n-How to research?\n-Introd uction\n-What to be aware?\n-What question can we ask?\n\nQ&\;A \;\ n\nAn optional one-on-one CV coaching service will be provided after the w orkshop\, don't hesitate to send your CV to HAYS's email: Andre.Hui@hays.c om.hk for reserving the CV coaching.\n \;\nRemarks\n- The workshop wil l be conducted via MS Teams. Link will be provided to successful registran ts.\n\n- No certificate of attendance will be provided for this event.\n\n Online registration\n- registration deadline: 14 Nov 2022\n- MS Teams link will be emailed to successful registrants by 15 Nov 2022\n\nContact Detai ls: DTEND:20221116T200000 DTSTAMP:20231026T063017Z DTSTART:20221116T190000 LOCATION:Online\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - YMS CV Workshop UID:6949be58-e9f8-4bca-9a2b-6781850e4b7f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR