开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - IMechE 175th anniversary celebrati on dinner and talks\n\nEvent Type: Social event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross- sector\n\nSpeak Details: Prof Wing-Mo Leung\; Dr PL Yun\; Mr Kenny So\n\nD escription : A stone&rsquo\;s throw from the site of the first ever meetin g of the Institution in 1847\, this year 2022 is the IMechE&rsquo\;s 175th Anniversary. \; To share and honour the IMechE&rsquo\;s long and succ essful history\, the Branch is pleased to announce that the IMechE&rsquo\; s 175th Anniversary Celebration Dinner will be held on 24 Nov 2022\n\nThe evening will honour the IMechE&rsquo\;s long and successful history\, but more importantly will look confidently towards the future\, highlighting t he role played by engineers in solving global challenges.\n\nIt would be n o doubt a fantastic occasion for you to meet and mingle with other friends in the local mechanical engineering industry in that evening.\n\nProgramm e (tentative): \; \n5:00pm - Three talks\n6:30pm - Snacks and Drinks\n 7:30pm - Dinner programme starting with President Opening Speech (pre-reco rded)\n8:00pm - Dinner \;\n8:30pm - Award presentation\n\nTalks:\nTopi c: The Climate Tipping Points\nby Prof Wing Mo Leung | Adjunct Professor\, Hong Kong Polytechnic University\n\nTopic: Infection Control\nby Dr PL Yu en | Past President of HKIE &\; Vice President of CIBSE UK\n\nTopic: Ci tybus #MissionZero - Our Journey towards a Zero-emission\nby Mr Kenny So | General Manager (Engineering)\, Citybus / New World First Bus\n\nFee:&nbs p\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \nHK$1\,000 pe r person for IMechE member\nHK$1\,100 per person for non-IMechE member\n\n Remarks:\n- Registration on first-come-first-served basis with priority gi ven to IMechE members. \; \;\n- Payment method will be emailed to registrants upon verification of membership\n- Seat will be confirmed upon receipt of relevant payment\n- Registration fee is non-refundable\n- All participants must follow latest directions under Prevention and Control of Disease\, including Vaccine Pass requirement and arrangements of banquets in catering premises\n\n\nEvent flyer with details\n\nOnline registration \n- Registration deadline: 4 Nov 2022\n\nContact Details: Jenny Chan\nTele phone: +852 3153 4186\nFax: +852 2894 9885 DTEND:20221124T210000 DTSTAMP:20231023T110544Z DTSTART:20221124T170000 LOCATION:Marquee\, United Services Recreation Club\, 1 Gascoigne Road\, Kin g’s Park\, Kowloon\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - IMechE 175th anniversary celebration dinner and talks UID:cdfe72cd-8332-4e1b-a9e0-ee5a70f3f921 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR