开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Tour of RAL Space Facilities at Harwell Campus \n\nEvent Type: Technical visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Aerospace materials an d structures\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : The IMechE Swindon Area B ranch and Royal Aeronautical Society Oxford Branch have organised a joint visit to the RAL Space Facilities at Harwell Campus. \; Numbers are li mited\, with 15 places each to the IMechE and RAeS. \; Because of anti cipated demand\, initially this is a member only event.\nWHEN &ndash\; Tue sday 22nd November 2022. \; Refreshments \;from 18:30. \; Tour s start 19:30. \; Event closes approximately 21:30.\nWHERE &ndash\; RA L Space Facilities at Harwell Campus\, starting in Building R100. \;&n bsp\;A parking map with the location and image of R100 is here ... \;\ n\nRAL Space visitor parking map_NSTF\n\n \;it includes directions fro m all major routes. \; There will be signposts from the car park on th e day.\nThe postcode for RAL Space is OX11 0QX &ndash\; this is not specif ic to the car park. \; The car park is signed. \; R100 is the big\ , curved glass building on the roundabout\, with a RAL Space sign: there i s an image on the map.\nWHAT &ndash\; There will be tours of the R100 buil ding and the National Satellite Test Facility. \; The visit will showc ase Assembly\, Integration and Test Facilities and contributions to curren t and future space missions. \; All groups will do all tours. \; T he route is flat floor at ground level so there are no access restrictions .\nSITE ACCESS &ndash\; Please bring photo ID for access to the site. \; Security staff will have a nominal role at the entrance.\nCONSENT FOR P HOTOGRAPHS &ndash\; The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) m ay take photographs and/or video recordings to promote the work it funds. \;These images could be used in print and digital media formats. \; By visiting\, it will be assumed you consent to your image being used.\ nREFRESHMENTS &ndash\; There will be a sandwich buffet\, include vegetaria n options\, and hot and cold drinks\, available in R100 from 18:30. \; The buffet will be funded by IMechE and RAeS.\nCOST &ndash\; Free.\n \;\n\nContact Details: Roger Crook\nAddress: United Kingdom.\n\n Alternati ve Contact: Ian Horsfall\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20221122T213000 DTSTAMP:20230819T163614Z DTSTART:20221122T193000 LOCATION:Building R100\, RAL Space\, Harwell Campus\, Harwell\, OX11 0QX \, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Tour of RAL Space Facilities at Harwell Campus UID:5399a0d7-e615-4917-8675-ac7cc1e288c8 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR