开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - YMS Webinar on Infection Control\n \nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Construction & buildin g services\n\nSpeak Details: Prof Yuguo LI\, Chair Professor of Building E nvironment\, Department of Mechanical Engineering\, The University of Hong Kong.\n\nDescription : SARS-CoV-2 is predominantly transmitted by the air borne or inhalation route. The US White House called for a "Clean Air in B uildings Challenge" pledge opportunity in early 2022. Unfortunately\, ther e is no standard existing on the required minimum ventilation. For general indoor air quality\, the current required ventilation rates differ in ind oor settings &ndash\; buses\, offices\, and hospitals. Different from gase ous pollutants\, infectious-virus aerosols can be removed by not only vent ilation\, but also other mechanisms such as filtration\, deposition\, and virus deactivation\, complicated by the complex spatial distribution and t ransient effect of these dilution mechanisms. The speaker will introduce a new general Wells-Riley equation that promises the development of a unifi ed theory of effective dilution in all indoor settings for infection contr ol. Interim dilution requirement for all settings is proposed. Potential c ontribution from the engineering community is recommended.\n\nSpeaker:&nbs p\;Prof Yuguo LI\, Chair Professor of Building Environment\, Department of Mechanical Engineering\, The University of Hong Kong\nProf Li's current r esearch topics include city climate\, environment studies of infection and indoor environment. Since early 2020\, he has collaborated with Hong Kong Governmental departments\, Guangdong CDC\, Hunan CDC\, and WHO\, and stud ied the transmission routes of SARS-CoV 2 in buildings. He is a member of the WHO IPC GDG and WHO Environment and Engineering Control Expert Advisor y Panel (ECAP) for COVID-19. Currently\, he serves as co-chair of the Work ing Group for the WHO-led global technical consultation on the transmissio n of respiratory pathogens through the air.\n\nLanguage: English\n\nOnline Registration:\n- Registration deadline: 18 Nov 2022\n- Registration on fi rst-come-first-served basis with priority given to IMechE members.\n- Succ essful registrant will be notified by email on or before 19 Nov 2022 with Webex link. If you do not receive confirmation email by this date\, your r egistration is considered as unsuccessful.\n- Join the Webex with the name you used for registration. If we cannot match the name of registration an d attendance\, no certificate of attendance will be provided\n\nFor more d etails\, please refer to event flyer.\n\n\n\n\nContact Details: Lawrence Y ick\nTelephone: +852 67566882 DTEND:20221123T203000 DTSTAMP:20231027T090031Z DTSTART:20221123T193000 LOCATION:Webex\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - YMS Webinar on Infection Control UID:950a4839-54ac-4c81-9dde-029fdef2e8f4 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR