开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - Webinar on APS applications on ur banization\n\nEvent Type: Seminar\n\nIndustry Sector: Construction & build ing services\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : Car parking is one of the key issues in most major cities like Hong Kong. With the aim to optimize spatial efficiency and innovative solution\, Automated Parking System (APS ) is one of the better solutions to provide more parking lots in limited s paces. More parking spaces means less drivers time looking for vacant spac es\, less traffic on the road due to circulating and less emissions. Benef its are better driving experience\, better road users&rsquo\; safety and h ealth\, and cleaner environment.\nThere are different types of Automated P arking System (APS) and they are selected based on customer requirements. The range of applications in terms of price\, performance\, construction l ead time are significant. Careful selection\, customization\, integration and operation design are all critical to the success of the APS carpark. T he speaker will demonstrate how to solve the parking lot shortage with cas es sharing.\n\nDate : 9 December 2022 (Friday)\nTime : 18:15 (Registration Starts)\, 18:30 &ndash\; 20:00\nVenue: By Webex\n\nSpeakers: Mr Peter Fun g\nProject manager of Yeefung Technology Ltd.\;\nFellow of Hong Kong Socie ty for Quality\; \;\nCertified Quality Engineer (CQE) and Certified Si x Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB) of American Society for Quality\n\nLanguage: En glish\n\nFor details of the event\, please refer to flyer.\n\nOnline Regis tration:\n* Registration on first-come-first-served basis with priority gi ven to IMechE members. Successful registrant will be notified by email on or before 8 Dec 2022. If you do not receive confirmation email by this dat e\, your registration is considered as unsuccessful.\n\nRegistration deadl ine: 6 Dec 2022\n\nContact Details: Sam Wong\nAddress: Hong Kong. DTEND:20221209T200000 DTSTAMP:20231024T095542Z DTSTART:20221209T183000 LOCATION:Webex\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - Webinar on APS applications on urbanization UID:1f079b4b-7b75-4e0a-8443-25b0232461bd END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR