开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Let's Talk About the Future of Transport\n\nEv ent Type: Talk or debate\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details : Rutvik Perepa\, Chief Technical Officer & Akshat Damani\, Head of the Ma gnetic Levitation at Hyperloop Manchester.\nLiana Cipcigan is a Professor at Cardiff University’s School of Engineering and Director of the Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence.\n\nDescription : The IMechE Greater Manches ter Young Members Panel invite you to attend an evening discussion on the future of transport. This event will be an online talk on Wed 7th Dec 2022 from 18:30 - 20:00 GMT. We welcome two talks from Cardiff University and Hyperloop to discuss what are the cutting-edge innovations and decarbonisi ng technologies in our automotive\, rail\, and aerospace industries.\n\n(A n event link will be sent 24 hours prior to the event to individuals who s ign up on the event page.)\n\n\n\nMore details on our speakers:\n\n\n\nRut vik Bhaskar Perepa\, Chief Technical Officer at Hyperloop Manchester. Rutv ik is currently pursuing an MPhil in Mechanical Engineering from the Unive rsity of Manchester after having graduated from the same university with a n MEng and working at IKOS consulting as an MBSE Engineer for a year. He h as joined Hyperloop since 2020 January.\n \;\nThe talk is about the ca se for Hyperloop to step in as a mode of transport for freight and possibl y passenger movement. Hyperloop bridges the gap between Rail and Air by pr opelling vehicles in near vacuum infrastructure at speeds greater than 400 Km/hr. These systems are largely electromechanical\, with electrodynamic problem statements. The technical challenge is an integration problem betw een electrical and mechanical systems and talk shall help shed some detail on this matter. This shall also talk about the student society and how su stainability research can be accelerated by student societies and engineer ing competitions being the proving ground for future engineers to be hired into problem solving responsibilities. \;\n\n\n\n \;\n\n\n\n\n\nL iana M. Cipcigan is a Professor at Cardiff University&rsquo\;s School of E ngineering leading Sustainable Transport cross-cutting theme. She is Direc tor of the Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence and leader of Sustainable Transport Research Network. She was at the forefront of the shift to elec trified transport for over a decade being recognised nationally and intern ationally as an expert in Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles integration in electricity and transport networks. She is leading the £\;1M EPSRC N etwork+ &ldquo\;Decarbonising Transport through Electrification (DTE)\, a Whole system approach&rdquo\; integrating road\, rail\, maritime and aeros pace sectors treating these as an integrated system embedded within the el ectricity energy vector with the goal of decarbonising the transport secto r. She has collaborated widely with industry\, more recently during her se condment at National Grid under Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fe llowship\, working in the Energy Insights department responsible for the F uture Energy Scenarios. She has held as PI and Co-I projects in the excess of £\;15M from EPSRC\, Royal Academy of Engineering\, Innovate UK\, UKERC\, Welsh European Funding Office\, Welsh Government Quebec-Wales coop eration programme\, DPI Discovery Partners Institute USA\, EU FP7/H2020/Ho rizon Europe and industry. \; She was a member of Low Carbon Vehicles Steering group at Welsh Government providing recommendations to the Welsh Ministry for Economy\, Science and Transport. She is a member of BSI techn ical committee ESL/120 Electrical Energy Storage\, European IEC/TC120 Elec trical Energy Storage and was a member of WG1 Electric Vehicle Energy Task force making suggestions to government and industry to ensure that the GB energy system is ready for and able to facilitate and exploit the mass tak e up of EVs. She is \;Convenor of CIGRE WG C6.42 Electric Transportati on Energy Supply Systems.\n\n\nContact Details: Thomas Stewart-Brackenridg e DTEND:20221207T200000 DTSTAMP:20230819T231607Z DTSTART:20221207T183000 LOCATION:Virtual Event\, Online\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Let's Talk About the Future of Transport UID:969a9fbf-e176-4bd1-be6d-3acb6b2a3e1e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR