开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Webinar Talk: Airborne Particle Dispersion & C haracteristics Study and Impact on Indoor Environment\n\nEvent Type: Techn ical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Research & development\n\nSpeak Details: Dr. Wong Keng Yinn (Ken) is a senior lecturer at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He is also a Professional Technologist and Chartered Engin eer\, registered under the Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT) and Insti tution of Mechanical Engineer (IMechE)\, respectively.\n\nDescription : We binar Talk: "Airborne Particle Dispersion and Characteristics Study and Im pact on Indoor Environment for Ensuring Well-Being of Communities"\nDate:& nbsp\;7th January 2023\nTime: \;09.45am &ndash\; 11.30am\nVenue: \ ;Online Platform (MS Teams)\nFee: \;Free of Charge\nSpeaker: \;Dr. Wong Keng Yinn (Ken)\n\n\nAGENDA\n\n09.45am - 10.00am: \;Attendee's l ogin\n10.00am - 11.15am: \;Technical Talk\n11.15am - 11.30am: \;Q& amp\;A\n11.30am: \;END\n\nSYNOPSIS\nThe COVID-19 pandemic has increase d public awareness of infectious airborne particle transmission. Studies r eported that approximately 19% of occupants in healthcare facilities are c ontracting infection annually. So far\, the correlation study on airborne particles and infectious particles in an indoor environment is lack of com prehensiveness. Also\, the relation between the particle size and the disp ersion distance is very limited. Without sufficient knowledge of this issu e\, it might lead to a high infection risk among the occupants. This shari ng session will give the audience a glimpse of how a mechanical engineer c an contribute to reducing the risk of infection through ventilation strate gies. Both onsite sampling and CFD approach involved in the study will be briefly introduced. It is expected that the findings could serve as a vent ilation design guideline in healthcare facilities\, improve Indoor Environ mental Impact Assessment for future projects\, and minimise the economic b urden of the nation on additional healthcare costs.\n\nSPEAKER&rsquo\;S PR OFILE\nDr. Wong Keng Yinn (Ken) is a senior lecturer at the Universiti Tek nologi Malaysia (UTM). He is also a Professional Technologist and Chartere d Engineer\, registered under the Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT) an d Institution of Mechanical Engineer (IMechE)\, respectively. Dr. Ken rece ived his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from UTM\, and was attached to the Environmental Protection and Plasma Engineering Lab at Osaka Prefecture Un iversity (Japan). His research interests include computational fluid dynam ics\, indoor and outdoor air quality\, and environmental sustainability. C urrently\, he is an associate member of the Process Systems Engineering Ce ntre (PROSPECT) and Centre for Energy Sciences (CES) at UTM and Universiti Malaya (UM)\, respectively.\n\n\n\nRegistration link: \;Click Here\n\ nContact Details: Ir. Ts. Chow Chee Choy\nAddress: Malaysia.\n\n Alternati ve Contact: Ir. Norman Hua\nAddress: Malaysia. DTEND:20230107T113000 DTSTAMP:20230819T110015Z DTSTART:20230107T100000 LOCATION:Webinar (no physical venue)\, .\, .\, .\, .\, .\, Malaysia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Webinar Talk: Airborne Particle Dispersion & Characteristics Study and Impact on Indoor Environment UID:90df7a17-963e-427d-babe-1b926edaaa1f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR