开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - Technical Visit to Facility and Sy stem of Star Ferry\n\nEvent Type: Technical visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Mach ine systems informatics & control\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : For more than 120 years\, Star Ferry has been offering cross Victoria Harbour ferry services\, carrying tremendous collective memories of Hong Kong citi zens and giving an unforgettable impression of Hong Kong for tourists. Sta r Ferry strives for low carbon emission for its ferries. \;\n\nPartici pating in this visit would let you understand more on design\, installatio n\, operation and maintenance and performance of a traditional ferry with two-stroke marine diesel engine and a new ferry with the diesel-electric p ropulsion system.\n\nDate: 14 January 2023 (Sat)\nTime: 9:30 a.m. &ndash\; 11:30 a.m.\nVenue: Star Ferry Pier\, Tsim Sha Tsui \;\nGathering time and location: 9:15 a.m. @ Star Ferry Pier\, Tsim Sha Tsui \;\n\nLangu age: Cantonese\n\nRegistration deadline: 11 Jan 2023\n\nFor details of the event\, please refer to flyer. \;\n\nOnline Registration \;\n*&nb sp\;Registration on first-come-first-served basis with priority given to I MechE members. Successful registrant will be notified by email on or befor e 11 Jan 2023. If you do not receive confirmation email by this date\, you r registration is considered as unsuccessful.\n\nRemarks:\nParticipants ar e required to show organizer a image of negative result of Rapid Antigen T est (RAT) within 24 hours at the gathering place.\n\nContact Details: Sam Wong\nAddress: Hong Kong. DTEND:20230114T113000 DTSTAMP:20231031T194508Z DTSTART:20230114T093000 LOCATION:Star Ferry Pier\, Star Ferry Pier\, Tsim Sha Tsui\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - Technical Visit to Facility and System of Star Ferry UID:057644a9-5684-4d8e-817e-e54c002e6cbf END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR