开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Macondo and Montara - lessons which are still relevant today\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Offsho re engineering\n\nSpeak Details: Steve Cromar was appointed as chair of th e Well Executive Committee by the IOGP which investigated a number of well control events and made a series of recommendations which have been accep ted by the industry. He will review these events from an engineering pers pective.\n\nDescription : \n\n\nIt is well over ten years since Well Contr ol took the world headlines\, so now that the dust from all the hype and e nquiries have settled\, the presentation will review the incidents with 20 /20 hindsight and look for common themes to highlight a number of lessons which are still relevant for today&rsquo\;s engineers as our new energy ma rket develops. ( Let&rsquo\;s stop history repeating itself &ndash\; again ).\n\nWe will meet at 6pm for tea and coffee. Lecture will begin at 6.30pm . \;\n\nContact Details: Tegwen Northam EngTech\, MIMechE\nAddress: Ab erdeen\, United Kingdom.\n\n Alternative Contact: Scott Rosie\nAddress: Un ited Kingdom. DTEND:20230118T193000 DTSTAMP:20230803T193630Z DTSTART:20230118T183000 LOCATION:Theatre N242\, Sir Ian Wood Building\, Robert Gordon University\, Aberdeen\, AB107GJ\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Macondo and Montara - lessons which are still relevant today UID:7db1b086-af07-4b14-9a4d-141fe0beb96d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR