开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Midland Region committee meeting (now online o nly)\n\nEvent Type: Committee meeting or AGM\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sec tor\n\nSpeak Details: Meeting led by Midland Region Chair\, Kevin Blacktop \n\nDescription : It was planned for this meeting to be 'hybrid' - in pers on at the UKRRIN building* and online via Microsoft Teams. However\, only a few people were keen to meet in person\, so it will now be online only.\ n\n* - the UKRRIN building entrance can be found \;here\; an image fil e with directions from University train station to the venue is \;here \; alternatively use the North East car park or get in touch for direction s to parking for those with restricted mobility. \;It can be also foun d on this \;interactive University map.\n\n\nAll members of the Midlan d Region may attend to review the committee's activities.\n\nThe draft Age nda is as follows -\n\n Welcome\n Attendance record &\; apologies for absence\n Approval of minutes\, 12 December 2022\n Matters aris ing not elsewhere on the Agenda\n Chair's report\n Finance report\n Education Officer report \;\n Design Challenge report\n Membe rship Officer report\n Business Development Manager report\n BYMP re port + 5 Area reports + 2 AD reports + BioMedEngD report\n Any other bu siness\n Date of next meeting\n\n\nContact Details: Howard Warrener DTEND:20230202T203000 DTSTAMP:20230627T153639Z DTSTART:20230202T190000 LOCATION:Online - Teams\, Please register then login details will be sent s eparately (NOT with your 'ticket')\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Midland Region committee meeting (now online only) UID:f8414661-894d-49ab-b655-88e182e90053 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR