BEGIN:VCALENDAR方法:发布BEGIN:VEVENT描述:在你的附近活动- IEng & CEng应用研讨会\n\nEvent类型:专业发展活动\n\n行业部门:跨部门\n\n发言详情:Craig Davies\,业务发展主管\n\n描述:\n许多工程师都表达了成为专业注册工程师和IMechE成员的愿望。manbetx体育注册\n在课程\,我们将指导您完成五项UKSPEC能力声明和申请文书\;帮你填好申请表。当你编写应用程序时,反馈和建议将在整个会话中提供。你将有机会在接下来的几周内提交申请。我们也会看看在职业评估面试中应该期待什么。\n你必须已经达到学术和能力要求,才能参加这些研讨会。\;\;当您预订时,我们会要求您确认这一点。\;\;如果您不确定\,请发送电子邮件\;\n本课程结束后manbetx体育注册您将能够做什么:\n\n了解您的资格\, career a nd experience map across to the requirements for IEng or CEng Registration \n Compose Personal Competence Statements and a Development Action Plan \n Submit an application for Membership\n Prepare for your Professio nal Review Interview \;\n\nTopics covered\n\n The application form and competence statements\n The Development Action Plan\n The Profes sional Review Interview\n\nRegister today\, our expert team can set you on the right path. \; \; \; \;\n \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \;\nAttendance is free of charge.\nRe gister for this event:\n\n You need to pre-register to attend these sessio ns. Please email Jacqueline Brown - \; \;to register .\nYou don&rsquo\;t have to be a member of the Institution to participate\ , so if you have a colleague/friend who would be interested in joining the Institution\, please do share this information with them. \;\n\nCont act Details: BDM (Business Development Manager) DTEND:20230213T153000 DTSTAMP:20230321T233112Z DTSTART:20230213T123000 LOCATION:Webinar\, Webinar\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IEng & CEng Application Workshop UID:3b35a23d-ec8d-4b3e-bf3b-8e0f43c6c6e5 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR