开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Bringing GW scale Floating Offshore Wind to Sc otland by 2030\n\nEvent Type: Talk or debate\n\nIndustry Sector: Offshore engineering\n\nSpeak Details: Nikki Forde is Flotation Energy's project ma nager for Project Green Volt\, with 20 years' experience in the developmen t of offshore Energy projects. \n\nDr Alex Quayle is Project Director for Flotation Energy's joint venture projects with Vargronn and is a Fellow of the IMechE.\n\nDescription : Together with our partners at Vargronn\, the team at Flotation Energy is revolutionising the future of offshore wind. Having been founded after completion of the Kincardine floating offshore w ind farm demonstrator project off the coast of Aberdeen\, Flotation Energy has created new and exciting opportunities for the deployment of commerci al scale floating offshore wind off the coast of Scotland. Our development s are well underway and are likely to deliver the largest floating offshor e wind farms anywhere in the world\, well before 2030. \;\n\nNikki and Alex will explain why Scotland provides a unique opporutnity for accelera tion of floating offshore wind capability\, and why the team at Flotation Energy (backed by Vargronn and TEPCO Renewable Power) is exceptionally pla ced to deliver ahead of the competition. \;\n\nContact Details: Dr. A lex Quayle DTEND:20230131T200000 DTSTAMP:20230804T045207Z DTSTART:20230131T190000 LOCATION:The Royal Scots Club\, 30 Abercromby Place\, EDINBURGH\, EH3 6QE\ , United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Bringing GW scale Floating Offshore Wind to Scotland by 2030 UID:f2d3c261-f62d-4caf-94d7-944e4753c428 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR