开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - IEng & CEng Applications Workshop\n\nEvent Typ e: Professional development event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpea k Details: Lara Mallett\, Business Development Manager\n\nDescription : Do you have an accredited degree for professional registration to CEng or IE ng\, but just haven't found the time to complete the form?\n\nIs it someth ing you could have done years ago\, but just haven't got round to it?\n\nW ould you like to put this all behind you and get registered as soon as pos sible?\n\nIf you have answered yes to all of the above\, this event is for you!\n\nBusiness Development Manager Lara Mallett\, will be running a FRE E one day training workshop. The aim is for delegates to complete the appl ication form in a single day\, so that you can submit your CEng or IEng ap plication in the near future. \;\n\nPlaces are strictly limited and yo u need to meet the academic requirement for the level of professional regi stration you are applying for. To check your qualification\, go to: www.im eche.org/qualificationchecker \;\n\nTo register\, please contact Jacqu eline Brown - bdm@imeche.org. \;\n\nContact Details: MDM (Membership D evelopment & Apprentices) DTEND:20230420T163000 DTSTAMP:20230819T173709Z DTSTART:20230420T103000 LOCATION:Severn Trent Water Ltd.\, Raynesway\, Derby\, DE 21 7BE\, United K ingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IEng & CEng Applications Workshop UID:870a3797-9a38-4a0f-8749-8a191249cbc8 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR