开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - Webinar "Routes to Chartered Engin eer"\n\nEvent Type: Seminar\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Deta ils: \n\nDescription : The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) is giving a presentation on the routes to achieving Chartered Engineer Regis tration. \;\n\nThe webinar will be relevant to anyone who:\n\nWants to learn more about professional registration and the benefits of membership with the IMechE.\n\n&bull\; \; \; \; \; Is working tow ards Chartered Engineer or Incorporated Engineer Status\n\n&bull\; \; \; \; \; Is seeking advice on the experience and qualificat ions required to apply\n\n&bull\; \; \; \; \; Wants to understand the application process including an introduction to the UKSPEC 4 competences for CEng\n\nFollowing the presentation Tom will be availabl e to answer any specific questions regarding application forms and general questions about IMechE membership.\n\nE.g. why it is so important to your career as an Engineer to be professionally registered? \; How profess ional registration gives you International recognition.\n\nSpeaker Bio:&nb sp\;\nTom Owen is the Senior Development Manager\, International\, at the Institution\, and is part of the international team focused on growing mem bership globally. He supports engineers through the process of Professiona l Registration and provides guidance and advice to applicants and their em ployers. He is responsible for creating and maintaining long term relation ships with key engineering companies\, as well as introducing new companie s and sites to the Institution. \;\n \;\n\nOnline The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) is giving a presentation on the routes to achieving Chartered Engineer Registration. \;\n\nThe webinar will be relevant to anyone who:\n\nWants to learn more about professional registra tion and the benefits of membership with the IMechE.\n\n&bull\; \; &nb sp\; \; \; Is working towards Chartered Engineer or Incorporated Engineer Status\n\n&bull\; \; \; \; \; Is seeking advi ce on the experience and qualifications required to apply\n\n&bull\; \ ; \; \; \; Wants to understand the application process incl uding an introduction to the UKSPEC 4 competences for CEng\n\nFollowing th e presentation Tom will be available to answer any specific questions rega rding application forms and general questions about IMechE membership.\n\n E.g. why it is so important to your career as an Engineer to be profession ally registered? \; How professional registration gives you Internatio nal recognition.\n\nSpeaker Bio: \;\nTom Owen is the Senior Developmen t Manager\, International\, at the Institution\, and is part of the intern ational team focused on growing membership globally. He supports engineers through the process of Professional Registration and provides guidance an d advice to applicants and their employers. He is responsible for creating and maintaining long term relationships with key engineering companies\, as well as introducing new companies and sites to the Institution. \;\ n \;\n*Click here for \;online Registration\n\n*Certificate of att endance will not be issued for this webinar\n \;\n \;\n\nContact D etails: Ali Li\nTelephone: 3153 4182\nAddress: Hong Kong. DTEND:20230315T200000 DTSTAMP:20230819T185535Z DTSTART:20230315T190000 LOCATION:Webex\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - Webinar "Routes to Chartered Engineer" UID:a8448384-c70c-432f-9317-b862f3eccdd8 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR