BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong – Webinar on Further Learning [POSTP ONED]\n\nEvent Type: Seminar\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Det ails: \n\nDescription : [The webinar was postponed until further notice]\n \nThis webinar will provide an overview of the requirements for further le arning and how to prepare an application for submission\, including what t he key elements are for assessment. \;\nFurther Learning lets you reac h the academic level required to become professionally registered\, throug h academic study\, work-based learning and courses or a combination of the se.\nFor CEng registration\, you must have attained the equivalent of a ma ster's level qualification.\nIf you have been advised that you need to com plete Further Learning this webinar will help you to understand the requir ements and options available to you. \;\nNot all engineers who are wor king towards professional registration need to complete Further Learning.查找是否需要完成继续学习应填充在线资质检验器speaker:\nTom Owen高级开发管理员\,International\,a Institute支持工程师流程专业注册/向申请方和雇主提供指导/建议负责创建并维护与关键工程公司的长期关系\ 并介绍新公司和网站 Institute.\\nnn*202309T2000DTAMP:20231021T123521ZTSTART:202309T190000