开始:日历方法:发布开始:活动描述:在你身边的活动-领导力和高绩效团队活动类型:谈话或辩论行业:跨部门发言详细信息:R ob Coulthard是英国Judgement Index的总经理,这是一家小型利基咨询公司,专注于分析,选择和发展世界各地的领导者和团队。他们在各个部门工作,包括企业、卫生、军事、体育和企业环境。集团总部位于美国田纳西州。\n\n描述:讲座将于19:00整开始。从18:30开始供应茶点。基于代表大项目协会进行的价值观和行为研究,以及对项目团队的持续分析和培训,您将被邀请与高绩效人员进行比较,并了解在当前项目领域取得成功所需的关键领导特质和团队文化。\;在过去的三年里,弹性和压力都受到了影响,导致大多数行业的个人压力平均增加了27%。\;我们将探讨导致个人和团队成功和失败的关键因素,以及作为领导者,你可以采取哪些措施来干预你自己和团队的弹性和绩效。 \; Lessons and a comparison against elite sport and m ilitary will be made with practical advice on how to maintain a robust and resilient team. As a leader\, you will recognise its never about you\, an d the need for agility\, communication style and resilience are probably g reater now than anytime over the past 5 decades. \; Your capacity as a leader and the culture and engagement of your team will by an indication of your success. Come and learn more?\nOur speaker\, Rob \;Coulthard i s MD of Judgement Index UK a small niche consultancy focusing on the analy sis\, selection and development of leaders and teams around the World.&nbs p\; They work across various sectors including corporate\, health\, milita ry\, sport and corporate environments. \; The group HQ is in Tennessee USA.\nThe Judgement Index is a Values Based Behavioural assessment tool w ith over 40 years research and a Nobel Prize nomination behind the it.&nbs p\; Rob is a performance coach\, researcher\, author and trainer who has s pent most of his life either working amongst or training and developing el ite performing individuals and teams from a variety of environments. He st udied at Manchester Met Uni and within the Military during his colourful S ervice career. He brought Judgement Index to the UK from the USA in 2008 h aving been astonished by the assessment&rsquo\;s scientifically proven lev el of predictability of value-based behaviour.\nHis current work includes research\, support of selection processes and performance development of i ndividuals and teams by identifying value-based behaviour and capacity for good judgement. \; He has brought best practices and performance inte rventions together from a variety of sectors to create a powerful system t hat supports selection\, development and identification of risk in individ uals and teams. He and his team are currently working with a number of hig h performing teams from corporate\, health\, sport and the military. \ ; The major project and infrastructure sector has for 15 years been a key focus of his work and he is delighted to be supporting various organisatio ns in West Cumbria with selection and development of staff and teams. \; His current projects include the delivery of a &lsquo\;Rising Stars&rsq uo\; programme for the Major Projects Association and creating and deliver ing a fresh and new &lsquo\;Human Performance and Safety Course&rsquo\; fo r i3\, integrating critical interventions that impact on our mindset\, emo tions\, performance and culture.\n \;\n\nContact Details: Adrian Noren dal\nAddress: Committee Member\, United Kingdom.\n\n Alternative Contact: David Williamson\nTelephone: 019467 76214\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20230314T203000 DTSTAMP:20230510T101336Z DTSTART:20230314T190000 LOCATION:National College for Nuclear\, Lakes College Campus\, Hallwood Roa d\, Lillyhall Business Park\, Workington\, CA14 4JN\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Leadership and High Performance Teams UID:55b2a4a7-2adb-4b9d-9b84-53d3d7ce39bb END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR