开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Speak Out for Engineering Glasgow Heat 2023\n\ nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak D etails: To submit application to the Glasgow Young Member's Panel via the link in the description. Also invite your friends to get tickets to be par t of a supporting audience.\n\nDescription : Apply now to compete in Speak Out For Engineering Glasgow Heat 2023. The event is coming up fast so get your presentations at the ready for the chance to win £\;300!\n \;\nDetails:\n \;\nApplications Closing Date: Thursday 13th \;Apri l\nPlace: Livingstone Tower\, University of Strathclyde\nTime: Evening - T BC\n \;\nThe evening involves a series of talks by contestants about a n engineering topic of their choice\, with comments and ranking by our jud ges. The presentations are judged primarily on delivery and presentation s tyle\, with only 10% of the mark on technical content. The winner of the G lasgow Heat will go on to the Scottish Region competition with the chance to compete in the international IMechE Speak out For Engineering final.\n& nbsp\;\nApplications are now OPEN for any student or graduate who is an af filiate or associate member of the IMechE to compete for the grand prize o f £\;300. The deadline for applications 13th of April \;so be sur e to submit your application to compete for the grand-prize. \n \;\nTo submit send to the \nGlasgow Young Member's Panel via the link.\nhttps:// docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVwZQ81_9XIPweVzO3lGTfiiUwFWLkCsh5vi1Yfq 1gIrjlCg/viewform?fbclid=PAAaaZyDwVfXn7DKd8ogEFsahGExK6ZaWOagKSSGfm8iK2V3E XYG0m1EzYkiM\nContestants will be selected and notified shortly after this deadline.\n \;\n\nContact Details: Erin Rooney DTEND:20230420T210000 DTSTAMP:20230627T125151Z DTSTART:20230420T180000 LOCATION:Livingston Tower\, Room 719\, Livingston Tower\, The University of Strathclyde\, Glasgow\, g1 1xh\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out for Engineering Glasgow Heat 2023 UID:62736a4a-c8b2-40f7-a243-94a6f3895abb END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR