开始:日历方法:发布开始:事件描述:触手可及的事件-能源三难问题事件类型:技术讲座行业:过程工业演讲详细信息:演讲者:安德鲁·贝利-能源转型战略总监。雅各布斯工程。主席:Harry Bainbridge - HSE/ONR首席检查员(已退休)。\n\ n描述:\n能源的三难选择&ndash\;新核技术与能源载体的发展如何影响未来清洁能源市场\n \n与会者加入链接:\nhttps://teams.microsoft.com/registration/-93Y75S wOEmbNsdxEvKQrw\,zNbIgoFfqka0walYk8o6XA\,6hnuUvamR062qRZsF1huhw\,JuJAJdi9i kCpzWe0NI8zgQ\, the 45mu6e - 4jtfgl66o8w \,h3sm6nDg9kmN338GZlP1kg?mode=read&am p\;tenantId=efd8ddfb-b094-4938-9b36-c77112f290af演示将于英国夏令时12:00开始,并在英国夏令时13:00左右结束。在会议开始前,请预留至少5米的时间进行与会者人口统计问卷调查。这个过程工业部门活动是由过程工业社区的一部分,西北和约克郡地区的过程工业部门中心以及阿伯丁地区与imech兰开夏地区联合组织的。manbetx体育注册演讲首先将全面回顾英国在2050年前实现净零能源平衡所面临的挑战。这将包括对电力、热力和运输等主要能源使用类别的评估,以及这些类别之间的相互关系。技术演示将侧重于核能等循环能源(小型模块化反应堆和先进模块化反应堆)的热能和电能如何结合起来,创造出像氢这样的绿色能源载体解决方案,以及这如何为高温脱碳和难以脱碳提供清洁能源机会。行业。jacobs (www.jacobs.com)是一家拥有6万名员工的全球性公司,是为更广泛的基础设施市场提供工程解决方案的领先供应商。 Climate Change is one of Jacobs identified accelerators for growth an d is pivotal to our global business. Jacobs has 12\,000 people working in the UK market encompassing Nuclear\, Clean Energy\, Defence and Infrastruc ture capability. \n\nFollowing the presentation\, there will be opportunit y for questions to be taken from the audience. \;Attendance Certificat es will be available on request.\n\n\n\n\nBiography &ndash\; Andrew Bailey :\n\nAndrew is Director of Growth and Strategy for Jacobs Engineering\, Se curity and Technology (EST) business and is based in the UK. He leads on t he development and delivery of strategy for Energy Transition contributors including Small Modular Reactors\, Energy Carriers and Synthetic Fuels. T his includes interaction with key stakeholders within Government and priva te industry\, both within the nuclear sector and the wider infrastructure environment. \;Andrew has a first degree in Chemical Engineering and f urther degrees in Business and Marketing. \;He has worked in the nucle ar sector for 10 years and before that has worked internationally in Oil & amp\; Gas and Process Industry markets.\n\nBiography &ndash\; \;Harry Bainbridge:\n\nHarry spent the last 20 years of his career as a Specialist Inspector with the HSE in the Pressure Systems Group for Petrochemical ap plications and then Nuclear Chemical Plant with ONR (NII). \; \;P rior to that he worked In Nuclear Physics design and was part of the LMFBR (Fast Reactor) support team with NNC.\n\nContact Details: Harry Bainbridg e\n\n Alternative Contact: Noel Hensman\nTelephone: (+44) 0161 494 8845 \n Address: United Kingdom. DTEND:20230621T130000 DTSTAMP:20230515T172416Z DTSTART:20230621T120000 LOCATION:Webinar\, See registration URL given in the event description\, Un ited Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Energy Trilemma UID:2748ef3c-ad83-4d39-af51-b038400effca END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR