开始:日历方法:发布开始:事件描述:触手可及的事件-能源三难问题事件类型:技术讲座行业:过程工业演讲详细信息:演讲者:安德鲁·贝利-能源转型战略总监。雅各布斯工程。主席:Harry Bainbridge - HSE/ONR首席检查员(已退休)。不幸的是,这次活动被推迟了,它将在晚些时候在网上发布。暂定日期为6月19日,不久将得到确认。演讲将于英国夏令时12:00开始,并于英国夏令时13:00左右结束。\;\n\n空间有限,请通过此链接注册\;\ nhttps://nearyou.imeche.org/near-you/UK/North-Western/manbetx体育注册North-Western-Proc ess/event-detail?这个过程工业部门活动是由过程工业社区的一部分,西北和约克郡地区的过程工业部门中心以及阿伯丁地区与IMechE兰开夏地区联合组织的。manbetx体育注册演讲将首先概述英国在2050年实现净零能源平衡所面临的挑战。这将包括对电力、热能和运输等主要能源使用类别的评估,以及这些类别之间的相互关系。技术演示将侧重于如何将核能等清洁能源(小钼反应堆和先进模块化反应堆)的热能和电力结合起来,创造出氢等绿色能源载体解决方案,以及这如何为高温脱碳和难以脱碳的二氧化碳提供清洁能源机会。行业。 \n\nJacobs (www.jacobs.com) is a global company com prising 60\,000 people and is a leading provider of engineering solutions to the wider Infrastructure market. Climate Change is one of Jacobs identi fied accelerators for growth and is pivotal to our global business. Jacobs has 12\,000 people working in the UK market encompassing Nuclear\, Clean Energy\, Defence and Infrastructure capability. \n\nFollowing the presenta tion\, there will be opportunity for questions to be taken from the audien ce. \;\n\nSlides as well as Attendance Certificates will be available on request.\n\n\n\n\nBiography &ndash\; Andrew Bailey:\n\nAndrew is Direct or of Growth and Strategy for Jacobs Engineering\, Security and Technology (EST) business and is based in the UK. He leads on the development and de livery of strategy for Energy Transition contributors including Small Modu lar Reactors\, Energy Carriers and Synthetic Fuels. This includes interact ion with key stakeholders within Government and private industry\, both wi thin the nuclear sector and the wider infrastructure environment. \;An drew has a first degree in Chemical Engineering and further degrees in Bus iness and Marketing. \;He has worked in the nuclear sector for 10 year s and before that has worked internationally in Oil &\; Gas and Process Industry markets.\n\nBiography &ndash\; \;Harry Bainbridge:\n\nHarry spent the last 20 years of his career as a Specialist Inspector with the H SE in the Pressure Systems Group for Petrochemical applications and then N uclear Chemical Plant with ONR (NII). \; \;Prior to that he worke d In Nuclear Physics design and was part of the LMFBR (Fast Reactor) suppo rt team with NNC.\n\nDaresbury Laboratory is renowned for its world leadin g scientific research in fields such as computational science\, physics\, chemistry\, materials\, accelerator technology and engineering. Part of t he Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)\, the laboratory suppo rts scientists\, researchers and industry by providing a collaborative env ironment to perform cutting-edge research and innovation. For further inf ormation please contact Neville Snodgrass CEng FIMechE (neville.snodgrass@ stfc.ac.uk)\n\nContact Details: Harry Bainbridge\n\n Alternative Contact: Noel Hensman\nTelephone: (+44) 0161 494 8845 \nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20230619T120000 DTSTAMP:20230508T015357Z DTSTART:20230619T120000 LOCATION:Webinar\, See registration URL given in the event description\, Un ited Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Energy Trilemma UID:145c63f8-59e1-48bb-bd50-b1db27e95667 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR