开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Social Event - Walk at Stocksbridge\n\nEvent T ype: Social event\n\nIndustry Sector: Renewable energy\n\nSpeak Details: W alk leaders - Helen Franklin & David Slater (RICE)\n\nDescription : \nThe Institution of Civil Engineers Yorkshire &\; Humber Retired Members Sec tion (RICE) invites IMechE members and guests to attend this social event: \;\n\nThe Walk:\nThis is a circular walk which gives access \;to a trig point with good views for minimum \;effort. It follows quiet ro ads and tracks \;through woodland and over moorland. \;There are n o stiles and the paths are \;easily passable in suitable walking \ ;footwear. The full circuit was measured at \;6.14km (just under 4 mil es) and takes two \;hours at a moderate pace. However\, it can \;b e shortened on the day for those who \;want a more leisurely day or if the weather \;is inclement.\n\nIn detail\, the walk commences with th e climb which takes you gently uphill\, avoiding the \;aptly named &ld quo\;Mucky Lane&rdquo\;. With a height gain of 136m (450ft) over roughly 3 km (2 miles) \;it takes in a variety of terrain and is not taxing if t ackled at a suitable pace. This brings you \;to a trig point at 359m w ith good views over the Peak District. You can also see the extent \;o f the steelworks\, now a shadow of its former glory. \;From here it is a pleasant walk along the \;edge of ancient woodland before a \;s teady descent using a pack horse track \;with views of Underbank Reser voir. A \;short length through a housing estate \;gives access to another pleasant stretch \;through another old woodland and back \ ;to our starting point.\n\nA map showing the route will be \;provided on the day. Those attending\nwill also be forwarded articles on old \; packhorse routes and heritage highways\nwhich provide some history of the tracks \;that cut across the area.\n\nProgramme:\n10.00: Assembly at t he car park with opportunity for refreshment and use of facilities.\n10.30 : Commence walk\n12.30 (approx): Return to Leisure Centre cafe for lunch ( optional\, to be paid for on the day)\n \;\n\nGetting There:\nStocksbr idge Community Leisure Centre is to the south western edge of Stocksbridge on \;Moorland Drive\, postcode S36 1EG\; the What Three Words locator is: \;///quibble.servicing.proposes. It is easily accessible by car f rom junction 36 of the M1. \;There is a large free car park\, not conf ined to the leisure centre users. Parking at the top \;end\, in the vi cinity of the fire assembly point\, will put you in a quieter area of the car park \;and in a good position to commence the walk.\n\nBooking:&nb sp\;\nTo book your place to attend this event\, please contact Nicky Baxte r (Admin Officer) via the "Send a messsage" link at the bottom of the page . \;\n\nThe deadline date for booking is Thursday 6th July.\n\n\n\n\nC ontact Details: Nicky Baxter\nAddress: \, United Kingdom. DTEND:20230713T130000 DTSTAMP:20230819T171643Z DTSTART:20230713T100000 LOCATION:Stocksbridge Community Leisure Centre\, Moorland Drive\, Stocksbri dge\, S36 1EG\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Social Event - Walk at Stocksbridge UID:b53bdee8-5322-4794-a7fd-2b02f9a693d6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR