开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Hong Kong - Thursday Evening Run\n\nEvent Type : Social event\n\nIndustry Sector: Other Industries / Sectors\n\nSpeak Det ails: \n\nDescription : Running for Health\nSha Tin Shing Mun Riverside\n\ nJoin us for our weekly run group. We welcome runners of all ability level s!\nThis is a routine &lsquo\;easy&rsquo\; run. We generally have a mix of preferred paces between 5.5 and 7 minutes per km.\n\nDate: \;4 May 20 23\, Thu\n\nTime: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm\n\nVenue: Sha Tin Sports Ground\n\nGat hering time and location: 6:15 pm @ Sha Tin Sports Ground (Light Refreshme nt Kiosk)\n\n*Length: ~8.8km\n*Free of charge\n*Lockers are available at S ha Tin Sports Ground\n*No CPD cert will be issued for this event.\n\nClick here for online registration. \nFor more details\, please refer to the fl yer.\n\nContact Details: Andy Pang\nTelephone: 64769098 DTEND:20230504T200000 DTSTAMP:20230708T231352Z DTSTART:20230504T183000 LOCATION:Sha Tin Sports Ground\, No. 18 Yuen Wo Road\, Sha Tin (adjacent to Wo Che Estate)\, Hong Kong SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Hong Kong - Thursday Evening Run UID:feac12b1-9377-45df-8402-bd225d7b3f3a END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR