开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - The Energy Trilemma\n\nEvent Type: Technical l ecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Speaker: Andrew Bailey – Strategy Director\, Energy Transition. Jacobs Engineering.\n\nCha ir: Harry Bainbridge – Principal Inspector HSE/ONR (Retired).\n\nDescript ion : \nThe Energy Trilemma &ndash\; How New Nuclear technology with Energ y Carrier development can influence the future Clean Energy market\n\nAtte ndee Joining Link:\nhttps://teams.microsoft.com/registration/-93Y75SwOEmbN sdxEvKQrw\,zNbIgoFfqka0walYk8o6XA\,6hnuUvamR062qRZsF1huhw\,JuJAJdi9ikCpzWe 0NI8zgQ\,thte45mU6E-4JTFGL66O8w\,h3sm6nDg9kmN338GZlP1kg?mode=read&\;ten antId=efd8ddfb-b094-4938-9b36-c77112f290af\nPresentation will commence at 12:00 BST and finish around 13:00 BST. Please allow for at least 5-mins fo r attendee demographics questionnaire prior to the start time.\n\n\n\nThis Process Industries Division Event has been organised by the Process Indus tries Division Centres in the North West and Yorkshire Regions and the Abe rdeen Area\, part of the Process Industries Community\, jointly with the I MechE Lancashire Area.\n\nThe presentation will commence with an overview of the challenge the UK faces to move to a Net Zero energy balance by 2050 . This will include an assessment of the primary energy usage categories o f electricity\, heat and transportation and how these inter-relate. The te chnical presentation will focus on how heat and electricity from clean ene rgy sources such as nuclear (Small Modular Reactors and Advanced Modular R eactors) can combine to create green Energy Carrier solutions such as Hydr ogen and how this provides clean energy opportunities to decarbonise high temperature &ldquo\;hard to decarbonise&rdquo\; industries. \n\nJacobs (ww w.jacobs.com) is a global company comprising 60\,000 people and is a leadi ng provider of engineering solutions to the wider Infrastructure market. C limate Change is one of Jacobs identified accelerators for growth and is p ivotal to our global business. Jacobs has 12\,000 people working in the UK market encompassing Nuclear\, Clean Energy\, Defence and Infrastructure c apability. \n\nFollowing the presentation\, there will be opportunity for questions to be taken from the audience. \;Attendance Certificates wil l be available on request.\n\n\n\n\nBiography &ndash\; Andrew Bailey:\n\nA ndrew is Director of Growth and Strategy for Jacobs Engineering\, Security and Technology (EST) business and is based in the UK. He leads on the dev elopment and delivery of strategy for Energy Transition contributors inclu ding Small Modular Reactors\, Energy Carriers and Synthetic Fuels. This in cludes interaction with key stakeholders within Government and private ind ustry\, both within the nuclear sector and the wider infrastructure enviro nment. \;Andrew has a first degree in Chemical Engineering and further degrees in Business and Marketing. \;He has worked in the nuclear sec tor for 10 years and before that has worked internationally in Oil &\; Gas and Process Industry markets.\n\nBiography &ndash\; \;Harry Bainbr idge:\n\nHarry spent the last 20 years of his career as a Specialist Inspe ctor with the HSE in the Pressure Systems Group for Petrochemical applicat ions and then Nuclear Chemical Plant with ONR (NII). \; \;Prior t o that he worked In Nuclear Physics design and was part of the LMFBR (Fast Reactor) support team with NNC.\n\nContact Details: Harry Bainbridge\n\n Alternative Contact: Noel Hensman\nTelephone: (+44) 0161 494 8845 \nAddres s: United Kingdom. DTEND:20230621T130000 DTSTAMP:20230820T020053Z DTSTART:20230621T120000 LOCATION:Webinar\, See registration URL given in the event description\, Un ited Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Energy Trilemma UID:98657453-3b30-4a17-adf2-58a523348a8e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR